I am using ckeditor, I need to upload and retrieve the media used in ckeditor from CDN .Currently it is saving it in the base path (eg. https://stackoverflow.com/ ). I want it to save and retrive from my CDN.

I did found uploadcare but i didn`t understand how to use this and also i think it has its own cdn where as i am trying to find a way to save it in my own cdn.

Thanks for help

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Uploadcare indeed uses it's own CDN in case of CKEditor integration.

Most CDN providers will allow you to set base URL of content that you want to be available via CDN (e.g. http://www.example.com/uploads/images/). So that http://some-cdn.com/image.jpeg will distribute your image uploaded by ckeditor to http://www.example.com/uploads/images/image.jpeg

This is the easiest way to configure "PULL" CDN.

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