I have a MySQL database with column 'apps_owned'. Everytime a user buys an app, I want their row to have the AppID added to it. For example,

apps_owned = 1, 4, 75 etc.

How would I do this?

Next, I need to split these up into individual numbers in C#. I don't know how I would remove the comma's to get a whole number. Is there any way of doing this. I know how to get the numbers from the database, I just don't know how to add to them or split them. Is there any easier way to do this?



Let the DB do the work, have a table represent a users apps. Then you could simply count, add, delete...

To Split you can do something like:

var result = apps_owned.Split(' ').Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString.Replace(",", ""))).ToArray<int>();
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