Question is pretty much self-explanatory.

Here's my code:

LinkedList* llSort(LinkedList* l) { // this function is changing the ascii values for some reason

LinkedList* tmpPtr = l; // tmpPtr is pointing to the beginning of the LinkedList
LinkedList* tmpNext = l->next; // tmpNext is pointing to the second entry in the LinkedList

int tmp;

/* while we are not at the end of the LinkedList */
while(tmpNext != NULL) {

/* and while tmpNext isn't pointing backwards */
while(tmpNext != tmpPtr) {

  /* if the frequency of tmpNext is less than the frequency of tmpPtr */
  if(tmpNext->value->freq < tmpPtr->value->freq) {

    /* set tmp = to tmpPtr's freq */
    tmp = tmpPtr->value->freq;

    /* set tmpPtr's freq equal to tmpNext's freq */
    tmpPtr->value->freq = tmpNext->value->freq;

        /* set tmpNext's freq equal to tmp, which is the value of the original frequency */
        tmpNext->value->freq = tmp;

      /* set tmpPtr equal to it's next value */
      tmpPtr = tmpPtr->next;
tmpPtr = l;
    tmpNext = tmpNext->next;
return tmpPtr;

LinkedListsH.h: Creates a structure of pointers to HuffmanTrees and pointers to the next value in the LinkedList.

#include "huffman.h"

typedef struct linkedListNode {
    HuffmanTree* value;
    struct linkedListNode* next;
} LinkedList;\

And the HuffmanTree structure.

#include <stdio.h> //printf
#include <stdlib.h> //standard library
#include <string.h>

typedef struct huffmanNode {
  char c;
  int freq;
  struct huffmanNode* left;
  struct huffmanNode* right;
} HuffmanTree;

When I run this code, the llSort method sorts the LinkedList correctly, but it also changes the ascii values of the Huffman chars. I've walked through it a couple different times and I can't figure out why this is happenening. Does anyone have an idea?



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