Hi I want to filter my searches in the sql based on the requirement the user wants so i used a select tag and depending on the value of the select tag a certain sql statement will be used but its not working as expected can you help me looked what went wrong here:

$strFilterByStatus = $_POST['byStatus'];

<select name="byStatus" id="byStatus" onChange="frmAdminWorklist.submit()">
<option value="all">All</option>
<option value="recovered">Recovered</option>
    <option value="unrecovered">Unrecovered</option>

       $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM  tblcase";

appreciate the help :)



Suppose this is all in theTest.php

    $strFilterByStatus = $_POST['byStatus'];

<form id='testform" action="theTest.php" method="post">
  <select name="byStatus" id="byStatus" onChange="frmAdminWorklist.submit()">
    <option value="all">All</option>
    <option value="recovered">Recovered</option>
    <option value="unrecovered">Unrecovered</option>
  <input type='submit' name='' value='Go test it'>

    if ( $strFilterByStatus == 'all' )
       $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM  tblcase";
       $SQL = mysql_query($strSQL);   
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