I have problem with a chart in vb.net. The problem is that line and bar are not synced in the chart area. I've attached a picture to make it clear what I mean

Here is the code where I populate the chart. I´m getting the data from a database.

 Dim theDate As Date
    For i As Integer = Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        'Chart1.Series("serRxTime").Points.AddY(dv(i)(0) / 60)
        theDate = dv(i)(1)
        Chart1.Series("serTime").Points.AddXY(theDate.ToString("dd-MMM HH:MM", enUS), dv(i)(0) / 60)


Chart that I have problem with



Line and column series have the same XValues that's why their centres are aligned. You would need to generate different XValues for the two series. XValues that are offset by a small margin. Something like this:

Chart1.Series("serTime").XValues = {0.8, 1.8, 2.8, 3.8,,...,count - 0.2}
Chart1.Series("serAdd").XValues = {1, 2, 3, 4,..., count}

I used 0.2 difference, but this will be different in your case (especially since it seems you have date axis set?). This would push the line series to the left.

I created an example for you. On the first picture you can see the data for the columns. Their x values are 1,2,3,4,...,12 and their y values are marked with blue. enter image description here

And this is the values for the XY chart. As you can see I moved the x values by 0.2 to the left. enter image description here

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