
-- file: ch04/InteractWith.hs
-- Save this in a source file, e.g. Interact.hs

import System.Environment (getArgs)

interactWith function inputFile outputFile = do
  input <- readFile inputFile
  writeFile outputFile (function input)

main = mainWith myFunction
  where mainWith function = do
          args <- getArgs
          case args of
            [input,output] -> interactWith function input output
            _ -> putStrLn "error: exactly two arguments needed"

        -- replace "id" with the name of our function below
        myFunction = id

但是,当我尝试编译它(ghc --make InteractWith)我得到这个错误:

$ ghc --make InteractWith
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( InteractWith.hs, InteractWith.o )

    suffix or operands invalid for `push'

    suffix or operands invalid for `push'

    32-bit absolute addressing is not supported for x86-64

    cannot do signed 4 byte relocation

    32-bit absolute addressing is not supported for x86-64

    cannot do signed 4 byte relocation

我使用GHC 6.10.4在Mac OS 10.6(Snow Leopard)上。



我在编译Snow Leopard中几乎任何类似的问题。我发现的解决方案是替代/usr/bin/ghc具有以下的内容(实际上只是一个外壳脚本):


exec /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/610/usr/lib/ghc-6.10.4/ghc -B/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/610/usr/lib/ghc-6.10.4/. -optc-m32 -opta-m32 -optl-m32 -dynload wrapped ${1+"$@"}

我觉得它实际上只是增加-optc-m32 -opta-m32 -optl-m32,但我不记得......




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