

cliVe> a = 1e6
cliVe> ? "coeff: " & o.spt(a) & " exponent: " & o.ept(a)
coeff: 10 exponent: 5 


cliVe> a = 1.1e6
cliVe> ? "coeff: " & o.spt(a) & " exponent: " & o.ept(a)
coeff: 1.1 exponent: 6


cliVe> a = 123345.6e-7
cliVe> ? "coeff: " & o.spt(a) & " exponent: " & o.ept(a)
coeff: 1.233456 exponent: -2


cliVe> a = -123345.6e-7
cliVe> ? "coeff: " & o.spt(a) & " exponent: " & o.ept(a)
coeff: 1.233456 exponent: -2


cliVe> a = -123345.6e+7
cliVe> ? "coeff: " & o.spt(a) & " exponent: " & o.ept(a)
coeff: 1.233456 exponent: 12


任何想法?顺便说一句,克里夫是基于一个的VBScript CLI和上可以找到我的博客



谷歌上 “科学记数法的regexp” 示出了许多的匹配,包括这一个(的不使用它!!!! ),其使用

*** warning: questionable ***

,它包括例如-.5e7和+ 00000e33(两者可能不希望允许)。

相反,我会建议您使用语法上的道格·克罗克福德的 JSON网站,其中明确记载什么构成JSON的数字。下面是从该网页采取了相应的语法图:

“ALT文本” 结果 <子>(来源: json.org

如果你看看他 json2.js 脚本(安全转换从JSON在JavaScript /),你会看到一个正则表达式的这一部分:









not allowed:
+0003   (leading zeros)
37.e88  (dot before the e)



Building off of the highest rated answer, I modified the regex slightly to be /^[+\-]?(?=.)(?:0|[1-9]\d*)?(?:\.\d*)?(?:\d[eE][+\-]?\d+)?$/.

The benefits this provides are:

  1. allows matching numbers like .9 (I made the (?:0|[1-9]\d*) optional with ?)
  2. prevents matching just the operator at the beginning and prevents matching zero-length strings (uses lookahead, (?=.))
  3. prevents matching e9 because it requires the \d before the scientific notation

My goal in this is to use it for capturing significant figures and doing significant math. So I'm also going to slice it up with capturing groups like so: /^[+\-]?(?=.)(0|[1-9]\d*)?(\.\d*)?(?:(\d)[eE][+\-]?\d+)?$/.

An explanation of how to get significant figures from this:

  1. The entire capture is the number you can hand to parseFloat()
  2. Matches 1-3 will show up as undefined or strings, so combining them (replace undefined's with '') should give the original number from which significant figures can be extracted.

This regex also prevents matching left-padded zeros, which JavaScript sometimes accepts but which I have seen cause issues and which adds nothing to significant figures, so I see preventing left-padded zeros as a benefit (especially in forms). However, I'm sure the regex could be modified to gobble up left-padded zeros.

Another problem I see with this regex is it won't match 90.e9 or other such numbers. However, I find this or similar matches highly unlikely as it is the convention in scientific notation to avoid such numbers. Though you can enter it in JavaScript, you can just as easily enter 9.0e10 and achieve the same significant figures.


In my testing, I also caught the error that it could match '.'. So the look-ahead should be modified to (?=\.\d|\d) which leads to the final regex:


Here is some Perl code I just hacked together quickly.

my($sign,$coeffl,$coeffr,$exp) = $str =~ /^\s*([-+])?(\d+)(\.\d*)?e([-+]?\d+)\s*$/;

my $shift = length $coeffl;
$shift = 0 if $shift == 1;

my $coeff =
  substr( $coeffl, 0, 1 );

if( $shift || $coeffr ){
  $coeff .=
    substr( $coeffl, 1 );

$coeff .= substr( $coeffr, 1 ) if $coeffr;

$coeff = $sign . $coeff if $sign;

$exp += $shift;

say "coeff: $coeff exponent: $exp";
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