I have a table like this I need to get the anchor tag value(class or id) from the table. In other words, how to get the anchor tag value using jQuery

        <table class="kimztableclass" id="kimztableid">
        <a class="kimzanchorclass" id="kimzanchorid" >Kimz Value</a>

I need something like this

        $(document).ready(function() {
            .........do my coding stuff.................

In short - I need to get the anchor tag id/name inorder to proceed with my jQuery stuff.

Thanks, Kimz




For getting class name

$(".kimztableclass a").attr("class");

For getting Id

$(".kimztableclass a").attr("id");

For getting text

$(".kimztableclass a").text();


use attr() method

$('.mytableanchortagclass tr').find('a').attr('id')

This will return all anchor tag with class kimzanchorclass:

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