This is my code for checking access.

$query = "SELECT user_table.status, expire FROM user_table WHERE username = ?";

if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)){
    $username = phpCAS::getAttribute('uid');
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);
    $returned_amount = $stmt->num_rows;

        die("To many user names exists for you!");
    else if(empty($returned_amount))
        header("Location: /101/index.php?type=nouser");

    $stmt->bind_result($status, $expire);

    if($expire != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && strtotime($expire) <= time())
        header('Location: /101/index.php?type=expired');

    $access = $status;

}else die("Failed to prepare!");


However when $returned_amount == 0.

it doesn't hit header("Location: /101/index.php?type=nouser");

If I change the code to the following, it fixes the problem, but I don't see why changing it would help.

    die("To many user names exists for you!");
else if(empty($returned_amount)){
    header("Location: /101/index.php?type=nouser");

If I remove the exit();, the header won't be executed.



Just using header() does not mean the code stops executing. Whenever using header() to redirect you need to explicitly call exit() to stop execution of the script.


Make sure there is no whitespace or any other characters that gets outputted in the page. Header() won't work otherwise. Adding exit() stops this from happening. Try removing the ?> at the end of your script as well (it will still work without the enclosing bracket). However it's best that you exit the script once header("Location: ... ") is run because it removes this problem and that's what you intend to do anyway (to quit this page and to go to another page)

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