I'm hosting a rails 4 application with phusion passenger on a apache server and I'm getting a 500 error when I try to access my password protected admin pages.

Looking at the log I see I'm getting an "Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error."

I have looked on the web and SO, it seems this is usually coming from a badly configured .htaccess. The problem is my application is using http_basic_authenticate_with so I am unsure how to correct the problem.

Here is my admin_controller.rb with the authentification:

class AdminController < ApplicationController

    @config_name = CONFIG["name"]
    @config_password = CONFIG["password"]

    http_basic_authenticate_with :name => @config_name, 
        :password => @config_password, 
        :realm => (I18n.t "msg_authentication")

Here is my routes.rb (I don't think the error comes from here):

LandingPage::Application.routes.draw do

    get "admin/gestion"
    get "admin/download"
    get "admin/email"
    get "admin/show"
    get "admin/new"
    get "admin/validate"

    get "admin", to: "admin#home"

    root 'main#home'

    resources :mail_infos, controller: :main, :path => "/"
    resources :mail_bodies, controller: :admin, :path => "/admin"


My virtual host code:

PassengerRuby /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/wrappers/ruby

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName DOMAIN.com
    DocumentRoot /var/landing-page/public
    <Directory /var/landing-page/public>
        Allow from all
        Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine off
    LogLevel debug
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/landing-page.log

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    #        LogLevel warn 

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

Here is my log for apache rendering the application:

[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [error] [client] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3063): [client] r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /index.php
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] core.c(3069): [client] redirected from r->uri = /admin
[Wed Mar 19 13:44:51 2014] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 632 to 387 : URL /index.php

Rails probably makes something similar to an .htaccess with http_basic_authenticate_with. So if I could get how to modify the http_basic_authenticate_with like people usually modify the .htaccess that would be great, thanks.

EDIT: As suspected by Chuanpin Zhu, the issue doesn't seem to actually do with the http_basic_authenticate_with method. I've commented it out and it still had an issue. As a matter of fact if I try to go to:


I still get the 500 serveur error and the "redirected from r->uri = /index.php" message. When in all logic I should get a 404 error.

If I comment out the "root" command in routes.rb DOMAIN.com gives a 404 error, yet DOMAIN.com/none-existing-page still gives out a 500 apache error.


解决方案 2

The problem came from an .htaccess in /var/ which affected my site in /var/landing-page.


you might have a recursive redirect_to method. Looking though the log,

redirected from r->uri = /index.php

this redirected_to shows more than 10 times, so please check your related controllers, or post it.

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