I'm using the tutorial at this link to do my lazy-registration, and I'm trying to combine it with django-registration.

The tutorial at the lazy-registration link simply needs to call one command to re-parent the events saved:

def on_registration_complete(self, request):
    Wishlist.reparent_all_my_session_objects(request.session, request.user)
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

def on_login_complete(self, request, user, openid=None):
    Wishlist.reparent_all_my_session_objects(request.session, request.user)
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

How do I do a post-hook with django-registration to call reparent_all_my_session_objects() command after the user logs in or registers? Do I need to create my own auth by copying from django.contrib.auth?



Need to create your own signal receivers on registration and login.

# Handle the signal sent by user_login
from registration.signals import user_login, user_registered
from events.models import Event
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login

# Use the signal sent after the login wrapper
def user_login_handler(sender, **kwargs):
    """signal intercept for user_login"""
    request = kwargs['request']
    Event.reparent_all_my_session_objects(request.session, request.user)

def user_registered_handler(sender, **kwargs):
    """signal intercept for user_registered"""
    request = kwargs['request']
    # Authenticate user, so that a User model (instead of AnonymousUser) is assigned to Event
    # Registration form validates password1==password2
    new_user = authenticate(username=request.POST['username'], password=request.POST['password1'])
    login(request, new_user)
    Event.reparent_all_my_session_objects(request.session, new_user)

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