I use Catalyst::View::TT and Catalyst::View::TTSite for templating, and I find the pre-created templates really useful, but would like to modify them to suit my needs.

This is because I always end up changing the header, css and layout in the same way every time I start an application (I include jquery, and bootstrap links, and use a different color schema).

How would I go about subclassing the module, and what parts should I change? I suppose the helper, but can anyone offer advice?



I was just experimenting so there is probably a better/more robust/more elegant solution.

catalyst.pl MyApp

cd MyApp

mkdir -p lib/Catalyst/Helper/View

wget --output-document lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/TTMySite.pm http://api.metacpan.org/source/JJNAPIORK/Catalyst-View-TT-0.41/lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/TTSite.pm

vim lib/Catalyst/Helper/View/TTMySite.pm
1. Change package name from TTSite to TTMySite
2. change the template source according to your requirements

./script/myapp_create.pl view HTML TTMySite

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