My question is partly technical and partly about deployment strategies and workflow. I built a project using Require JS. It includes a number of distinct js modules, and is built upon Kirby CMS. The directory structure of the project is something like this:

  kirby folders

The file app.js is called in the footer of my site's page like so:

<script data-main="/assets/js/app" src="/assets/js/vendor/require.js"></script>

It configures RequireJS by calling the requirejs.config() function and then calls the main script file that loads everything else using RequireJS's requirejs() function.

I've used RequireJS' s optimization tool to compile the project in such a way that the optimized files are all dumpted into a directory called dist (a name I just picked up from this tutorial). So in the end dist contains a replication of every directory and file under assets, only optimized, and the file app.js is a concatenated and optimized version of all the js modules that I have in the project. So far so good.

What I am unsure about, however, is how I'm the supposed to make use of this new secondary version of all the code. What for instance if I want to deploy a version of the site to the production server without all the source js files? Each time I deploy the site, I would need to go through my code and in every place that I referred to files under the assets directory, I would need to replace that with dist. I deploy using git and beanstalk. One way to do this would be to manage different branches for staging, production, and development, in which the production and perhaps staging branches have references to the files under dist, but this seems awkward.

So my question is given this kind of optimization set up, which if you look at the tutorial linked above is one way to do this, how then do you manage the switch to the optmized version of everything seemlessly, without having to go back into your code and change everything up? Is there some key part of the process that I'm missing here?



Each time I deploy the site, I would need to go through my code and in every place that I referred to files under the assets directory, I would need to replace that with dist.

I've looked at the tutorial you've linked to and do not see how it is true for the tutorial. The tutorial does not use absolute paths, so should be deployable from dist just as well as from the directory that contains the pre-optimization sources. If you cannot do this for your application, that's because you've done something different from the tutorial. Your script tag, for instance, shows absolute paths.

So the solution is to design your application to avoid absolute paths. This way, you won't have to change paths when you deploy from dist. I'm using this very method to deploy optimized and non-optimized versions of one of my apps.

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