I have a camel context with few routes, which simplified version looks like:

<camelContext id="myContext">

    <threadPoolProfile id="defaultThreadPoolProfile" defaultProfile="true"
            poolSize="50" maxPoolSize="500" maxQueueSize="5000" rejectedPolicy="CallerRuns" />  

    <route id="rest">
        <from uri="jetty:;httpClient.soTimeout=30000&amp;httpClient.defaultMaxConnectionsPerHost=150&amp;httpClient.maxTotalConnections=1000" />
        <to uri="direct:service" />

    <route id="service">
        <from uri="direct:service" />
        <to uri="direct:external" />
        <to uri="direct:response" />

    <route id="external">
        <from uri="direct:external" />
        <to uri="http4://remote-host/?bridgeEndpoint=true&amp;httpClient.soTimeout=15000&amp;connectionsPerRoute=100&amp;maxTotalConnections=1000" />
        <convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String" />

    <route id="response">
        <from uri="direct:response" />
        <to uri="xslt:response.xsl" />


During load tests I noticed, that outgoing connections (via http4 component) are somehow limited. Trying to adjust related component options (as seen in example above) seems do not help. I tried following scenario:

Sending 50 parallel requests at the time with jMeter and monitoring incoming established socket connections on the host where camel is running: I see 50 established connections to Camel at any time (so far so good). At the same time I see only 20 established outgoing connections on Camel-host AND incoming connections remote-host side as well.

For me it seems like Camel is limiting amount of outgoing connections? How to solve this? I would like to have all requests passed-through without any throttling. Using Camel 2.10



You need to configure the http4 endpoint to allow more concurrent connections to the same remote host.

Start with

And then checkout the Apache HTTP Client 4.x documentation / api to know which option to set to increase this.

Or switch to use jetty-http instead so you just use Jetty for both consumer/producer as that works as well, and I don't recall Jetty have such limitation out of the box. See more at: http://camel.apache.org/how-to-use-camel-as-a-http-proxy-between-a-client-and-server.html

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