I am new to docusignAPI and currently trying to solve, if there is a way to swap user from one action type to another. For example: I can initially have someone assigned as "Acknowledge Recipient". I am tryin to see if it is possible through API to move the same recipient to "Signer".

I am able to do this from UI when i create an envelope. I can click on "correct" and make changes.

But when i try to do this by API i am not able to achieve it. I guess i miss some best way due to my very limited knowledge on the API.

Have someone tried this before. If so can you explain more?



I don't think it's possible to change Recipient Type using the API. From page 159 of the DocuSign REST API Guide (https://10226ec94e53f4ca538f-0035e62ac0d194a46695a3b225d72cc8.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/rest-api-guide-v2.pdf):

Once an envelope has been sent, you can only edit: email, userName, signerName, routingOrder, faxNumber, and deliveryMethod.

So, changing a recipient's type would likely be a two-step process with the API:

  1. ADD recipient (with new type) to the envelope: POST /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/recipients

  2. DELETE recipient (with old/original type) from the envelope: DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/recipients

I'd suggest doing things in this order (adding first, then deleting) so that the Envelope won't advance (to future recipients) in the workflow until that recipient completes their required action.

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