This security update for spree just released, but after running some Cucumber tests, I had this recurring issue:

undefined method `assume_from_symbol' for Money:Class (ActionView::Template::Error)

I searched the project repo on GH and we don't use the method. Searched the Money repo and also no findings. Searched Spree and found this. The method appears to be undefined on my development environment.

I don't know if its Spree or the project I'm dealing with. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Update: When I run bundle exec zeus cucumber I don't get these errors...



Just had this issue, followed the advice in:

IE: add this to your Gemfile

gem 'money', '6.0.1'

fixed my issue.


I believe this is a bug in Spree:

You should specify the following in your Gemfile:

gem 'money', '=6.0.1'

to work around the issue for now.

Answer provided by John worked for me. However, I also had to edit the Gemfile with TextMate (or your own text editor) to make sure the single quotes are correct, as explained in this post: Gem syntax error questions

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