http-kit what is the difference between sending response through channel and just return a map


  •  26-06-2023
  •  | 

As the title says. What is the difference between sending response through a channel and just return a map.

(defn handler-one
  (response "hello world")

(defn handler-two
  (with-channel request channel
    (send! channel (response "hello world"))


handler-one function uses synchronous approach. Request -> Response

handle-two is a way to achieve Request -> Response but asynchronously.

You can check with-channel macro definition for more implementation details (and documentation).

If you want more details about asynchronous approach in general, then I recommend learning about one of: Futures, Reactive Programming, Netty, Node.js or Vert.x


Following the theory of core.async channels, if you use channels you will have non-blocking communication meaning that your thread will not be blocked until the http response. If you use the blocking communication waiting for the map http-response your thread will be blocked

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