For example, I have the number 137.99999999999. How do you format that to one decimal place like 137.9?

Another example would be 4.7777777777 to 4.7

Note: I don't want to round the number at all. I just want to truncate it to one decimal place.



Use NumberFormat if you need more special approaches as to display 4.77 as 4.7, not as 4.8 (this is RoundingMode.DOWN):

  NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();

The output is 4.77


You can find an elaborate answer here : Round a double to 2 decimal places

Tweak it for 1 decimal place and you're good to go.

Or, another simple way to truncate to one decimal point would be :

String numberString = "137.99999999999";
int indexOfDecimal = numberString.indexOf('.');
Double truncatedNumber = new Double(numberString.subString(0,indexOfDecimal+2));
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