I am getting error while trying to receive values in view from controller. In controllers I am using two functions. Both functions return a value to view page

Here is the example:

public static Result home() {

    Identity user = (Identity) ctx().args.get(SecureSocial.USER_KEY);
String userEmail = user.email().isDefined() ? user.email().get() : "Not available";
System.out.println("Logged in - "+  userEmail);
String emailCheck = userEmail.substring(userEmail.indexOf("@") + 1, userEmail.length());
emailCheck = emailCheck.substring(0, emailCheck.indexOf("."));

    if (emailCheck.matches(Messages.get("emailCheckAll"))) {
        return ok(home.render(user));

    public static Result getId() {
        Map<String, String[]> parameters = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded();
        String EAN_code= parameters.get("truckid")[0].trim();
        List<Truck> isvalid= Truck.findTruckId(EAN_code);
        BigInteger qty=Truck.getTruckQuantity(EAN_code);
        return ok(home.render(qty.toString()));

In home.scala.html i am trying to receive like

@(user : securesocial.core.Identity)
@import securesocial.core.IdentityProvider 
@import Http.Context.Implicit 

but I can't get value from the qty. But I have the value in the controllers. The same value not go to view. Please anyone help me. It shows me error in scala file "value qty not found"...



You've declared your view as having two parameter lists:

@(user : securesocial.core.Identity) (qty:String)

You're only satisfying one of them when you call the view.




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