I'd like to build a list of operations to execute in a Redis pipeline. I was using accession since it's much simpler than carmine, but now I need connection pooling (missing from accession) and thus I'm looking at carmine again (it seems the go-to and most complete clojure library for redis)

I managed to get this working:

; require [taoensso.carmine :as redis]
(defn execute1 [request] (redis/wcar {} (eval request)))
(defmacro execute [body] `(redis/wcar {} ~@(eval body)))

(def get1 `(redis/get 1))
(execute1 get1)
(execute [get1])

but given that I'll build vectors of thousands of elements, I'm a bit worried about the possible performance hit of eval (besides the fact that I've been taught to always avoid eval if possible). I reckon that defmacro instead is/can be evaluated at macro-expansion time, which might be earlier (during AOT compilation?) and without using eval.

Is there anything that I can do? should I move to a different library? (I had a look at carmine's source code: my pain is only due to a small convenience for the author: a *context* used to avoid passing around a couple extra argument: getting rid of it should be simple enough, but I'm not invested enough in it... I might as well decide to move to another data store in the future)

edit: I've been asked to write an example of what I think is the boilerplate that I'd prefer to avoid writing in my actual code, so: (the following is untested, it's just a POC)

(defn hset [id key val]
  #(redis/hset id key val))

(defn hsetnx [id key val]
  #(redis/hsetnx id key val))

(defn hincrby [id key increment]
  #(redis/hincrby id key increment))

(defn hgetall [id key]
  #(redis/hgetall id key))

(defn sadd [id el]
  #(redis/sadd id el))

(defn scard [id]
  #(redis/scard id))

(defn smembers [id]
  #(redis/smembers id))

(defmacro execute [forms]
  `(redis/wcar {} ~@(map apply forms)))

; end boilerplate

(defn munge-element [[a b c]]
    (mapcat #(hincrby a :whatever %) b)
    (sadd c b)
    (hsetnx a c))

(defn flush-queue! [queue_]
  (execute queue_)

(defn receive [item]
  (if (< (count @queue) 2000)
    (swap! queue conj (munge-element item))
    (swap! queue flush-queue!)))

Obviously, I could write something like this, but if this was truly the inteneded way to use carmine, these curried functions would be provided along (or instead of) the normal ones. Also a lot of lines could be shaved off by constructing up the defs with syntax quoting, but this is accidental complexity, not inherent the original problem.



The following piece of code does not differ very much from yours:

(defmacro execute [& forms]
   `(redis/wcar {} ~@forms))

(defn get1 []
  (redis/get 1))

(execute (get1) (get1) ...)

This is basically how carmine should be used (following this suggestion in the README). If it doesn't suit your needs, could you clarify why?

After the question was edited to present more clearly what should be accomplished I think I have a solution for you. You're trying to create a list of statements to be executed at some specific time in the future. To achieve this you're wrapping each statement inside a function and I agree, that's a lot of boilerplate.

But unnecessary. You can get the same result by having a macro that automatically creates thunks for you:

(defmacro statements [& forms]
     ~@(for [f forms]
         `(fn [] ~f))))

Now, whatever you pass to this macro will result in a vector of zero-parameter functions that can be evaluated e.g. using:

(defn execute-statements [fns]
   (redis/wcar {} (mapv #(%) fns))

And your example turns into something along the lines of:

(defn munge-element [[a b c]]
    (mapcat #(redis/hincrby a :whatever %) b)
    (redis/sadd c b)
    (redis/hsetnx a c))

(defn flush-queue! [queue_]
  (mapv execute-statements queue_)

Edit: This executes every batch in its own pipeline. If you want to do it in a single one, use concat instead of conj to build up your queue (in receive) and (execute-statements queue_) instead of (mapv execute-statements queue_).

Note: IIRC correctly, this:

(redis/wcar {} a [b c]])

returns the same result as this:

(redis/wcar {} a b c)

I.e., carmine collects the results somewhere and always returns a vector for all of them. Even if not, I think you can still avoid your dreaded boilerplate by just tweaking the stuff presented here a little bit.

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