My Rails 4 application has the following edit.html.haml view for the projects:

  Edit Project
    = link_to 'Browse', projects_path, :class => 'btn'
    = link_to 'View', project_path, :class => 'btn'
    - if (( { |t| t.user_id }.include? || is_admin?)
      %a.btn.dropdown{:hfref => '#', :data => {:toggle => 'dropdown'}}
        = 'Time'
        %ul.dropdown-menu{:role => 'menu', 'aria-labelledby' => 'dLabel'}
            = link_to 'Submitted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Submitted')
            = link_to 'Totalled', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Totalled')
            = link_to 'Adjusted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Adjusted')
            = link_to 'Billed', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Billed')
      = link_to 'Software', tools_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
      = link_to 'Expense', expenses_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
    = render :partial => 'team', :locals => { :project => @project }

= render :partial => 'form'

I am not sure why the drop-down menu is not displaying when I click on the 'Time' button underneath which there are four menu items. The browser console does not show any errors.



Are you loading the Bootstrap's javascript file? The dropdown is made interactive with the dropdown javaScript plugin included in bootstrap.js.


I figured it out. I am posting my solution for those who might be interested. Here is the revised code that works as I want it to:

  Edit Project
    = link_to 'Browse', projects_path, :class => 'btn'
    = link_to 'View', project_path, :class => 'btn'
    - if (( { |t| t.user_id }.include? || is_admin?)
        %a.dropdown-toggle{:role => 'button', :href => '#', :data => {:toggle => 'dropdown'}, :class => 'btn'}
          = 'Time'
        %ul.dropdown-menu{:role => 'menu', 'aria-labelledby' => 'dLabel'}
            = link_to 'Submitted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Submitted')
            = link_to 'Totalled', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Totalled')
            = link_to 'Adjusted', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Adjused')
            = link_to 'Billed', billables_path(:project_id =>, :status => 'Billed')
      = link_to 'Software', tools_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
      = link_to 'Expense', expenses_path(:project_id =>, :class => 'btn'
    = render :partial => 'team', :locals => { :project => @project }

= render :partial => 'form'

It is indeed a CSS and HTML issue. 1. Note the %span.dropdown underneath -if.. It ensures that the link or button stays inline with the rest of the links or buttons. With this tiny change, it all works.

@Papzord, thank you for trying to help me.

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