Having the following code broken deliberately to identify the source of a NullPointerException in something that should have been very simple but turns out to drive me nuts:

Properties properties = new Properties();
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
InputStream propertiesStream = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties");
if (propertiesStream != null) {
  // TODO close the stream
} else {
  // Properties file not found!

I get the "Properties file not found!" error, i.e. contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.properties"); returns null.

This is a CXF-based client and I verified that the "resource.properties" file is in the current directory in which the client's jar resides (and runs).

I also verified the absolute path by including the following diagnostic code:

            File file = new File("resource.properties");

The absolute path points to where the client's jar is.

I also tried finding out the context of the class loader, using:


but instead some directory structure as demonstrated here, all I get is:


Why would ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() return null?

What am I missing?



I solved the mystery.

The key to solving was embedding some diagnostic logging when propertiesStream is null:

String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
LOG.info("CLASSPATH: " + classpath);
ClassLoader loader = MyClientMain.class.getClassLoader();
System.out.println("ClassLoader resource path: " + loader.getResource("resource.properties"));                    

So when I run with the original


I receive the null pointer condition, printing:

  INFO: CLASSPATH: myproj.one-jar.jar
  ClassLoader resource path: null


I then started suspecting something related to the "jar within a jar" as this is what the com.simontuffs.onejar essentially does (i.e. wrapping my project's jar inside a jar that contains all other library jars), so I opened myproj.one-jar.jar with 7-Zip and noted the full (absolute) path of "resource.properties":



So I modified getResource("resource.properties") to:


which didn't fix the problem but printed the following upon the null pointer condition:

INFO: CLASSPATH: myproj.one-jar.jar
ClassLoader resource path: jar:file:/myproj.one-jar.jar!/main/myproj.jar!//main/myproj.jar/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/resource.properties


Then... divine intervention fell upon me and I had the insight (not reading any documentation that could even hint this, I swear!) that I should be using this path instead:


And Voila! It works.



As EJP pointed out, it means that the resource isn't available via the classpath for this particular classloader (different classloaders can have different classpaths).

Since the classloader is a JarClassLoader, it will only be able to load resources that are included inside the jar file. It won't see files that are in the same directory as the jar file.

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