I am trying to implement multiple relations between records of the same model via self-joins (based on @Shtééf's answer). I have the following models

create_table :relations, force: true do |t|
  t.references :employee_a
  t.string     :rel_type
  t.references :employee_b

class Relation < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :employee_a, :class_name => 'Employee'
  belongs_to :employee_b, :class_name => 'Employee'

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :relations, foreign_key: 'employee_a_id'
  has_many :reverse_relations, class_name: 'Relation', foreign_key: 'employee_b_id'

  has_many :subordinates, through: :relations, source: 'employee_b', conditions: {'relations.rel_type' => 'manager of'}
  has_many :managers, through: :reverse_relations, source: 'employee_a', conditions: {'relations.rel_type' => 'manager of'}

With this setup I can successfully access the lists of subordinates and managers for each record. However, I have difficulties to create relations in the following way

e = Employee.create
e.subordinates #=> []
e.managers #=> []

The problem is that it does not set type of relations, so I have to write

e = Employee.create
s = Employee.create
e.relations.create employee_b: s, rel_type: 'manager of'
e.subordinates #=> [#<Employee id:...>]

Am I doing something wrong?



You can use before_add and before_remove callback on the has_many association :

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :relations, foreign_key: 'employee_a_id'
  has_many :reverse_relations, class_name: 'Relation', foreign_key: 'employee_b_id'

  has_many :subordinates, 
           through: :relations, 
           source: 'employee_b', 
           conditions: {'relations.rel_type' => 'manager of'}
           :before_add => Proc.new { |employe,subordinate| employe.relations.create(employe_b: subordinate, rel_type: 'manager of') },
           :before_remove => Proc.new { |employe,subordinate| employe.relations.where(employe_b: subordinate, rel_type: 'manager of').first.destroy }

  has_many :managers,  
           through: :reverse_relations, 
           source: 'employee_a', 
           conditions: {'relations.rel_type' => 'manager of'}
           :before_add => Proc.new { |employe,manager| employe.reverse_relations.create(employe_a: manager, rel_type: 'manager of') },
           :before_remove => Proc.new { |employe,manager| employe.reverse_relations.where(employe_b: subordinate, rel_type: 'manager of').first.destroy }

This should works and make you able to use employe.managers.create
You may want to use build instread of create in the callback
Also you can read this question about this solution


In order to create a multiple many-to-many self-join association, I would recommend that it might make more sense to have multiple tables to manage the connection. That way it's very clear from a data standpoint as to exactly what is going on, and it's also clear from a logic standpoint. So something along these lines:

create_table :manage_relation do |t|
  t.references :employee_id
  t.references :manager_id
create_table :subordinate_relation do |t|
  t.references :employee_id
  t.references :subordinate_id

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :subordinates, 
           :through => :subordinate_relation, 
           :class_name => "Employee", 
           :foreign_key => "subordinate_id"
  has_many :managers, 
           :through => :manage_relation, 
           :class_name => "Employee", 
           :foreign_key => "manager_id"

  belongs_to :employee, 
             :class_name => "Employee"

This way it doesn't get any more convoluted than necessary from a coding standpoint, and you can access it using the standard collections and it will appropriately set up your connections for you without you having to manage them. So, both of these collections should work..


And you could not have to manage any other variables. Make sense? It adds a table, but improves clarity.

I would redo your models as follows:

class ManagerRelation < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :manager, :class_name => 'Employee'
  belongs_to :subordinate, :class_name => 'Employee'

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :manager_relations,     :class_name => "ManagerRelation",
               :foreign_key => :subordinate_id
  has_many :subordinate_relations, :class_name => "ManagerRelation", 
               :foreign_key => :manager_id

  has_many :managers,     :source => :manager,     
               :through => :manager_relations

  has_many :subordinates, :source => :subordinate, 
               :through => :subordinate_relations

Now you can do the following:

employee.managers << employee2    
employee.subordinates << employee3

Note: It is usually a sign for one to leave the company when they are made to report to two managers :-)

Given the presented relation

create_table :relations, force: true do |t|
  t.references :employee_a
  t.string     :rel_type
  t.references :employee_b

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :subordinate_relations, :class_name => "Relation", :conditions => {:rel_type => 'manager of'}, :foreign_key => :employee_a
  has_many :subordinates, :through => :subordinate_relations, :source => :subordinate, :foreign_key => :employee_b

  has_many :manager_relations, :class_name => "Relation", :conditions => {:rel_type => 'manager of'}, :foreign_key => :employee_b
  has_many :managers, :through => :manager_relations, :source => :manager, :foreign_key => :employee_a


class Relation < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :manager, :class_name => "Employee", :foreign_key => :employee_a
  belongs_to :subordinate, :class_name => "Employee", :foreign_key => :employee_b


e = Employee.create
e.subordinates.create #Employee ...
e.subordinates #[<Employee ...]

e2 = Employee.create
e2.managers.create #Employee
e2.managers #[<Employee ...]

Although the solution works - I'm a bit confused by tying the associations with "rel_type". In this case - I'd say the rel_type is redundant and the relation should be mapped as follows:

create_table :relations do |t|
    t.reference :manager
    t.reference :subordinate

In such case, the association mapping should be a tad simpler.

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