With easeljs and box2d I have created several objects which collide with each other. Using the following code I create a box on the screen:

var b = new Box(400,0); // pass xPos and yPos

At a certain point in my script the box collides with a circle and when that happens a triangle has to Tween towards the box. So I need the position of the box! In my Box.js I have the following function:

function getX(){
    var xPos = this.body.GetPosition().x * SCALE;
    return xPos;

I have replaced the same function for the following function:

function getX(){
    return this.x;

Both functions return the same value when to the browser console I use console.log(b.getX);, which is undefined. Do I need to pass a parameter with my return function or is the structure of my function incorrect?



You are saying console.log(b.getX),

first, you are not executing the function but logging its content. Secondly, the function is not a property of var b.

// create the function.
b.getX = function()

// runs the command.


Jsfiddle explaining what you did wrong: http://jsfiddle.net/kychan/zsWpN/

Edit 2:

First i'll explain what a 'property' is. An property is a 'thing' owned by a certain object. Let's define a var and instantiate it:

var x = {}; // this makes an object.

We can also add properties with it:

var y = {myProp1:'Hello', myProp2:'World'};

This creates an object (y) with two properties (myProp1 and myProp2).

Now, in your code (jsfiddle) you have the (global) function getX. This isn't set as a property, thus it must be called as a global statement:

getX(b); // should return this.x;

Fiddle with more thorough explanation: http://jsfiddle.net/kychan/WwxC9/

//    METHOD 1 (Your method); works, but you can do it more directly, see METHOD 2.
//    define the var, with 'var'.
//    let it hold a (global) function.
var getX = function(object){
    return object.x;

//    we make a test variable holding an object with property x:
var foo = {x:4};
console.log(getX(foo)); // this should return 4.

//    METHOD 2:
//    we will make a normal function (which has the same execution as METHOD 1).
function getX2(o)
    return o.x;

//    create a test variable.
var bar = {x:4};
console.log(getX2(bar)); // should print 4 as well.

//   METHOD 3:
//    now we create a CLASS which has a default property named getX:
function myObject()
    this.x     = 4;

    //    here, this is called a method (because it is a property owned by a class/object).
    this.getX  = function()
        return this.x;

//    we create a test variable holding the object from the class myObject.
var baz = new myObject();
console.log(baz.getX()); // now it ALSO should print 4!


Together with Kai's examples I finally got it working! So, thanks Kai! I used his 3rd method he showed in his final edit with a small work around by adding a variable in the tick function of my box function. Here's what I did:

In my Box.js I create a b2_staticBody with box2d and I gave it a getX function which returns the x position of the box.

this.getX = function(){
    return boxX;

My tick function (created with easeljs) updates the position of the box, so here I save the box.x into a var called boxX.

function tick(e){
    boX = this.body.GetPosition().x * SCALE;

    this.x = this.body.GetPosition().x * SCALE;
    this.y = this.body.GetPosition().y * SCALE;
    this.rotation = this.body.GetAngle() * (180/Math.PI);

Now I am able to call the b.getX(); function after I created the box.

b = new Box(350,450); // x and y position
var targetX = b.getX();

Thanks again to Kai for helping me understand how to tackle my problem and understanding using properties, etc.

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