This is a follow up to Is it possible to extend free monad interpreters? or better the reverse.

I recently revisited the project that the previous question stemmed from. This time I try to parse the file into the data structure.

Problem is that I have no clue on how to achieve this. While writing he (cereal based) parsers is unproblematic and it is working as long as I only parse into the FooF type, I have no idea on how to how to create the interleaved Functor (correct terminology?).


  • At this point I am looking only for clues on how to achieve this.
  • There is no code yet that I can provide.
  • Please refer to the code in the linked question and the accepted answer for datatypes.



It sounds like you might be looking for the composition of functors, which lives in the transformers package in Data.Functor.Compose:

newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }

If I understand your two questions correctly, you want to add things before and after something else, and then parse the added data back out. We'll make a type for adding things before and after something else

data Surrounded a b c = Surrounded a c b
  deriving (Functor)

surround :: a -> b -> c -> Surrounded a b c
surround a b c = Surrounded a c b

Now, supposing the data before something else is a String and the data after something else is an Int, you're looking for the type:

Free (Compose (Surrounded String Int) FooF) :: * -> *


All that remains is to make Serialize instances for FooF x, Surrounded a b c, Compose f g x, and Free f a. The first three of these are easy and can be derived by the cereal package:

deriving instance Generic (FooF x)
instance Serialize x => Serialize (FooF x)

deriving instance Generic (Surrounded a b c)
instance (Serialize a, Serialize b, Serialize c) => Serialize (Surrounded a b c)

deriving instance Generic (Compose f g a)
instance (Serialize (f (g a))) => Serialize (Compose f g a)

If we try to do the same for Free, we would write instance (Serialize a, Serialize (f (Free f a))) => Serialize (Free f a). We'd run into UndecidableInstances territory; to make a Serialize instance for Free, we first must have a Serialize instance for Free. We'd like to prove by induction that the instance already exists, but to do so, we'd need to be able to check that f a has a Serialize instance for all as that have a Serialize instance.


To check that a functor has a Serialize instance as long as it's argument has a Serialize instance, we introduce a new type class, Serialize1. For those functors whose Serialize instance was already defined based on a Serialize instance for the argument, we can generate the new serialize instance by default.

class Serialize1 f where
    put1 :: Serialize a => Putter (f a)
    get1 :: Serialize a => Get (f a)

    default put1 :: (Serialize a, Serialize (f a)) => Putter (f a)
    put1 = put

    default get1 :: (Serialize a, Serialize (f a)) => Get (f a)
    get1 = get

The first two functors, FooF and Surround a b, can use the default instances for the new class:

instance Serialize1 FooF

instance (Serialize a, Serialize b) => Serialize1 (Surrounded a b)

Compose f g needs a bit of help.

-- Type to help defining Compose's Serialise1 instance
newtype SerializeByF f a = SerializeByF { unSerialiseByF :: f a }

instance (Serialize1 f, Serialize a) => Serialize (SerializeByF f a) where
    put = put1 . unSerialiseByF
    get = fmap SerializeByF get1

instance (Serialize1 f) => Serialize1 (SerializeByF f)

Now we can define a Serialize1 instance for Compose f g in terms of serializing by the other two Serialize1 instances. fmap SerializeByF tags f's inner data to be serialized by g's Serialize1 instance.:

instance (Functor f, Serialize1 f, Serialize1 g) => Serialize1 (Compose f g) where
    put1 = put . SerializeByF . fmap SerializeByF . getCompose
    get1 = fmap (Compose . fmap unSerializeByF . unSerializeByF ) get

Serialize Free

Now we should be equipped to make a Serialize instance for Free f a. We will borrow the serialization of Either a (SerializeByF f (Free f a)).

toEitherRep :: Free f a => Either a (SerializeByF f (Free f a))
toEitherRep (Pure a) = Left a
toEitherRep (Free x) = Right (SerializeByF x)

fromEitherRep :: Either a (SerializeByF f (Free f a)) => Free f a
fromEitherRep = either Pure (Free . unSerializeByF)

instance (Serialize a, Serialize1 f) => Serialize (Free f a) where
    put = put . toEitherRep    
    get = fmap fromEitherRep get

instance (Serialize1 f) => Serialize1 (Free f)


Now we can serialize and deserialize things like:

example :: Free (Compose (Surrounded String Int) FooF) ()
example = Free . Compose . surround "First" 1 . Foo "FirstFoo" . Free . Compose . surround "Second" 2 . Bar 22 . Pure $ ()


The above requires the following extensions

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

and the following libraries:

import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Serialize
import GHC.Generics
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