I have an Object, InsertDB, that contains multiple functions. I would like to execute one after the other.

Only execute function 2 InsertDB.addNot(); when function 1 InsertDB.addBk(); has completely finished looping, inserting records, and so on.

// Object with 7 functions to be called. Each performs a loop and insert records into IndexedDB

InsertDB = {
addBk: function(Object) {
    if (Object.hasOwnProperty("Books")) {
        for (var i = 0, j = Object["Books"].length; i < j; i++) {
                title: Object["Books"][i].id,
                content: Object["Books"][i]
addNot: function(Object) {
    if (Object.hasOwnProperty("Notifications")) {
        for (var i = 0, j = Object["Notifications"].length; i < j; i++) {
                content: Object["Notifications"][i]
} etc...

//On Ajax success event, run above functions one after the other as described above.

Synchronize = {
Start: function(){
 return $.ajax({
     success: function(data){
        var Object = $.parseJSON(data);
        InsertDB.addHistory(Object);  ect...          




解决方案 2

As Tommi suggeted, I had to ensure that the function returns promises then I can fire an event when all iterations are finished, I did do as follow :

InsertDB = {
addBk: function(Object) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty("Books")) {

   var promises = [],p; 

    for (var i = 0, j = Object["Books"].length; i < j; i++) {
       p = server.Books.add({
            title: Object["Books"][i].id,
            content: Object["Books"][i]



$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() {
       // callback function when all iterations are finished



You should implement the functions so that they return promises, and then you can subscribe to those promises. You can use jQuery or q.js for that.

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