I'm trying to get fs.read() to work but running into some issue(s). Here is my fread.js script:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.open('test.txt', 'r', function (err, handle) {

    var f = handle;
    var b = new Buffer(100000);

    fs.read(f, b, 0, 100000, null, function (err, bytesRead) {
        console.log(b.toSting("utf8", 0, bytesRead));


Why do I get the following TypeError: Bad Argument error upon running it?

$ node fread.js 

  binding.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, wrapper);
TypeError: Bad argument
    at Object.fs.read (fs.js:457:11)
    at /home/max/dev/livelessons/fread.js:8:5
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)


The problem was that I gave it the wrong file name. test.txt should have been text.txt. Doh!


You should check that fs.open() was successful first. Most likely err is set and handle is set to undefined, causing the "Bad Argument" error.

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