I"m trying to understand link list but every example I've tried to copy gives me a segmentation fault. This is my example program that I am working on.

in contacts.h

struct people{
  string last;
  string first;
  int age;
  people *next;

class Contacts {
  people *head;
  Contacts() {
  void add(string, string, int);
  void display();

in main.cpp

//menu items
//cin >> option
//if option == 1, addContact
//if option == 8, displayContact
//basic in and out here no need to show code

in main.h

void addContact() {

  Contacts *ptr;     

  int i, loop=0, a=0;
  string l, f;

  cout << "number of contacts " << endl;
  cin >> loop;

  for(i=0; i<loop; i++) {

    cout << "enter last name ";
    cin >> l;

    cout << "enter first name ";
    cin >> f;

    cout << "enter age ";
    cin >> a;



void display() {

 Contacts *ptr;

in contacts.cpp

void Contacts::add(string l, string f, int a) {

  people *node = new people;



void Contacts::display() {
 people *tmp = head;
 while(tmp!=NULL) {
   cout << tmp->last << endl;
   cout << tmp->first << endl;
   cout << tmp->age << endl;

the add function works then display() gives me a segfault



Member function add should be defined the following way

void Contacts::add( const string &l, const string &f, int a ) 
    head = new people { l, f, a, head };

Or if your compiler does not support initializer lists with the new operator then

void Contacts::add( const string &l, const string &f, int a ) 
    people *p = new people;

    p->last = l;
    p->first = f;
    p->age = a;
    p->next = head;

    head = p;

Member fuunction display should be declared as

void Contacts::display() const;

and defined as

void Contacts::display() const
    for ( people *tmp = head; tmp; tmp = tmp->next )
        cout << tmp->last << endl;
        cout << tmp->first << endl;
        cout << tmp->age << endl;
        cout << endl;

The other two functions should be defined the following way

void addContact( Contacts &contacts ) 
    int n = 0;

    cout << "number of contacts " << endl;
    cin >> n;

    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) 
        string l, f;
        int a = 0;

        cout << "enter last name ";
        cin >> l;

        cout << "enter first name ";
        cin >> f;

        cout << "enter age ";
        cin >> a;

        contacts.add( l, f, a );

void display( const Contacts &contacts ) 

And in main you should define an object of type

Contacts contacts;

and use it as the argument of the functions above.

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