I'm totally stumped and hoping someone can help. My site works fine on:

  • Desktop chrome
  • Desktop safari
  • Desktop firefox
  • iOS safari

But when trying to access the site on iOS chrome, I get the following:

"Warning! Something's not right here!" (Screenshot attached) enter image description here

There is very little details for debugging:

"Chrome is unable to verify that the URL for the site is correct. Unverified URL".

I'm not sure what information is required to hep debug this.

The www. site is hosted on Heroku - I have a CNAME redirect from www.retirementplan.io to appname.herokuapp.com.

I'm using xDomain on the site, which does some iFrame stuff...... Site is pretty standard Ruby on Rails. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

enter image description here



This is a problem with xDomain. By removing that library, it is now working fine.


This is now fixed with xdomain version 0.6.13.


For us removing XDomain unfortunately isn't an option, and the workaround given on the project's issue page potentially has a lot of side effects.

We have decided to avoid loading XDomain altogether for non-IE browsers. This means we either load XDomain dynamically, or we do browser dependent content loading (apache, nginx). In our case loading XDomain dynamically means we need to load a whole lot of other code dynamically, so we prefer to do the latter.

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