I want to use the :fullscreen css pseudo-class which requires a number of vendor pre-fixes:

html:fullscreen {
    background: red;

html:-moz-full-screen {
    background: red;

html:-webkit-full-screen {
    background: red;

html:-ms-fullscreen {
    background: red;
    width: 100%; /* needed to center contents in IE */

But for this example I would prefer not to have to duplicate background:red and all other css across the 4 prefixes. If I do the following it appears as though the browser ignores it (which I believe is due to how the accepts css):

    background: red;

Is there any pure css way to make this work? If not what is the best way?



Unfortunately it seems you have to repeat those declaration. Look at sitepoint article - http://www.sitepoint.com/html5-full-screen-api/


Take a look at the -prefix-free thing.

I am not going to mark this the correct solution since it's not pure css, but my solution was to use less (Sass/Scss would also work) and implement a mixin:

.fullscreenMixin {
  font-weight: normal;
  font-size: 49px;

html:fullscreen {
  background: red;

html:-moz-full-screen {

html:-webkit-full-screen {

html:-ms-fullscreen {
  width: 100%; /* needed to center contents in IE */
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