I have a piece of code i haven been written, And i don't understand why its not working

I have written:

public class MyUtility {
    public static int computeLoanInterest(int amt, float interestRate, int term) {
       return (amt*term);   
    public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
        $wnd.computeLoanInterest =

on my client java entrypoint:

       public void onModuleLoad() {

and on my handwritten javascript code:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="projv1/projv1.nocache.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function mainl(){
          var it=window.computeLoanInterest(5,2,2);

    <body onload="mainl()">

but i'm getting an error on the console of the browser:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function



Call the function after exporting to JavaScript via JSNI that is more precise and accurate.

public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
    $wnd.computeLoanInterest = $entry(@com.myapp.appname.client.MyUtility::computeLoanInterest(IFI));



This should work:

public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
    $wnd.computeLoanInterest = function(amt, interestRate, term) {
        return ($entry(@com.myapp.appname.client.MyUtility::computeLoanInterest(IFI))(amt, interestRate, term));
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