How to use the same browser window every time you start a project in Visual Studio? [duplicate]


  •  21-07-2023
  •  | 

Does anyone know of a way to set Visual Studio to use the same browser window again, instead of opening a new one, every time you start/debug an ASP.NET project?

This is a simple issue. When I click 'Start with Debugging' to test my ASP.NET application, it launches my project in a new browser window.

During development at any one point I have nearly a dozen browser windows open, which is not a big deal, but having to open the developer tools and get the browser setup again so I can see what is going on is annoying.

I have looked around for an answer to this, but I did not find anything.



Don't close the browser window, and next time just BUILD the project, and then go back to the browser and refresh your page... there is a new icon in your tray that shows that the "ASP.NET Development Server" is running, and the project is available in the browser as long as this icon is there.

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