From C++ source, I execute the following line:

system("../BWAPI/ITUBot/Clingo/clingo.exe bwapi-data/AI/ITUBotWall.txt > bwapi-data/AI/solver-out.txt");

This line causes an empty solver-out.txt to be created. If I execute the same command using command line from outside the C++ program, the output file is successfully created with relevant contents.

The ITUBotWall.txt is created just before this command. Would this be relevant to the issue?

What would the reason be behind this? What am I missing and how can I solve this?


解决方案 2

You should make all paths absolute.


Try this -:
system("../BWAPI/ITUBot/Clingo/clingo.exe < bwapi-data/AI/ITUBotWall.txt > bwapi-data/AI/solver-out.txt");

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