I am trying link to the 'edit' action of a nested Comment from the 'index' action of its parent Articles controller. If no comment exists, then the link will go to the 'new' action.

resources :articles do
  resources :comments

The problem seems to be how to define @comment in the Articles controller in order to get the proper comment id with the associated article id.

The Articles controller contains:

def index
  @articles = Article.all

I can accomplish what I want by defining @comment in the View 'index.html.erb' (see below):

<% @articles.each do |article| do %>
  <% @comment = current_user.comments.where(article_id: article.id) %>
  <% if @comment.empty? %>
    <%= link_to "New Comment", new_article_comment_path(article) %>
  <% else %>
    <% @comment.each do |comment| %>
      <%= link_to "Edit Comment", edit_article_comment_path(article, comment) %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

But I would prefer to have @comment defined in the Articles controller. I am not sure how to implement '@comment = current_user.comments.where(article_id: article.id)' in the Articles controller without the id as it's the 'index' action.

Must be something simple I'm missing.



I don't know how it would work inside a controller. But I think it's better to move the method inside a helper anyway and call it from there. methods defined inside a helper are automatically available for your views

you can do this:

def comment(article)
    @comment = current_user.comments.where(article_id: article.id)

Then your view will look like this:

<% @articles.each do |article| do %>
   <% comment(article) %>
   ....more code....

Like you said, if you move this in the controller, where(article_id: article.id) will trip you as you don't know which article the id is bound to.


if you really want to access the method inside the controller, you can do as this post suggests:

class ArticlesController < ActionController::Base
  def comment(article)
      @comment = current_user.comments.where(article_id: article.id)
   helper_method :comment(article)

but why go through the trouble when you can easily do this inside a helper.

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