C# has a DateTime.FromOADate() method.

What is the equivalent of DateTime.FromOADate() in Java ?

This is my C# code :

var b = new byte[8];
b[0] = 0x20;
b[1] = 0x64;
b[2] = 0xa8;
b[3] = 0xac;
b[4] = 0xb6;
b[5] = 0x65;
b[6] = 0xe4;
b[7] = 0x40;
var dbl = BitConverter.ToDouble(b, 0);
var dt = DateTime.FromOADate(dbl);

This is the output :


How can i convert this byte array to java?



Did you realize that your binary data is the binary represantation of an OLE Automation date value?

So instead of getting long, you should get a double value from your array.

var b = new byte[8];
b[0] = 0x20;
b[1] = 0x64;
b[2] = 0xa8;
b[3] = 0xac;
b[4] = 0xb6;
b[5] = 0x65;
b[6] = 0xe4;
b[7] = 0x40;
var dbl = BitConverter.ToDouble(b, 0);
var dt = DateTime.FromOADate(dbl);
Console.WriteLine("{0:s}", dt);

Result is :


I think the valid question should be: What is the equivalent of DateTime.FromOADate() in Java ?

Answer is:

public static Date fromDoubleToDateTime(double OADate) 
    long num = (long) ((OADate * 86400000.0) + ((OADate >= 0.0) ? 0.5 : -0.5));
    if (num < 0L) {
        num -= (num % 0x5265c00L) * 2L;
    num += 0x3680b5e1fc00L;
    num -=  62135596800000L;

    return new Date(num);


This looks like it works... basically ToBinary just returns a representation where the bottom 58 bits are the ticks since the BCL epoch in UTC. This code just reverses that

private static final long UNIX_EPOCH = 62135596800000L;
public static Date fromDateTimeBinary(long value) {
    // Mask off the top bits, which hold the "kind" and
    // possibly offset.
    // This is irrelevant in Java, as a Date has no
    // notion of time zone
    value = value & 0x3fffffffffffffffL;
    // A tick in .NET is 100 nanoseconds. So a millisecond
    // is 10,000 ticks.
    value = value / 10000;
    return new Date(value - UNIX_EPOCH); 

I've tested that for a "local" DateTime and a "UTC" DateTime. It will treat an "unspecified" DateTime as being in UTC.

Overall it's not ideal, and you should talk to wherever you're getting the data from to try to change to a more portable format, but until then this should help. Do test it further though!

DateTime.FromBinary() deserializes a .NET-specific serialized version of DateTime. It works only with the binary data produced from a DateTime.ToBinary() call, not with any standard input data.

There is no Java equivalent, because the .NET DateTime class doesn't exist in Java.

If you are trying to save a .NET DateTime object to a binary format, and read it in to a Java application, you should be using a different format. For example, seconds since the UNIX epoch.

C#'s binary serialization is .NET specific as it serializes the Ticks-property as Int64 and additionally the Kind-property whereas Javas DateTime is typically based on the unixtime (millis since 1970).

So i think you will not find a framework equivalent in Java. Have a look at this StackOverflow post for information how to get a Ticks equivalent in Java: C# DateTime.Ticks equivalent in Java

I also would give Joda-Time a quick shot. Maybe you will find a utility method there.

You should choose an interchange format that makes more sense.

  • If you can pass a string, use the ISO-8601 format. In .Net, you would use yourDateTime.ToString("o").

  • If you want something more compact, pass a timestamp - such as a long integer of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC.

Don't pass the output of DateTime.ToBinary. You would have to implement a lot of things in Java that would not be worth it. Specifically:

  • The Kind property of the DateTime is embedded as part of the data. You'd have to filter it out and interpret it. There isn't any direct equivalent in Java.

  • You can see in the .Net Framework Reference Source, that FromBinary has to deal with various time zone conversions - in case you serialize a DateTime with Local kind in one time zone and deserialize it in another.

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