I have this class structure:

interface bug
    def method()    

public class A implements bug{
    def method()
        println "Works"

A varaiable = new A()

bug.metaClass.invokeMethod {
    name,args ->
        println "Came here"


when I do this, I get Works. Why not Came here?

Where I'm doing the mistake?


Even if I do:

A.metaClass.invokeMethod {
    name,args ->
        println "Came here"

I'm getting only Works.



You're changing the metaClass of A with

A.metaClass.invokeMethod { name,args ->
    println "Came here"

After you construct the variable. If you put this block before the line

A varaiable = new A()

It should work as you'd expect.

To get round this, you can use:


And instances will check back with the metaClass every invocation, however as expected this can slow things down

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