I have this string in Javascript


and I'd like to display it as a meaningful date in my page. Currently, when I output the variable that contains this date I get the following displayed on my page


What I'd like is to display this in the format DD MM YYYY like so

10 05 2011

How is this possible?



try this

var date = new Date(Number.parseFloat('/Date(1317772800000)/'.substring(6)));
var newdate = date.getMonth() +' ' +date.getDate() +' ' +date.getFullYear()


If you have your date in a string provided then first you need to extract the number:

var strDate = "/Date(1317772800000)/";
var dateInt = strDate.replace("/Date(","").replace(")/","");
var date = new Date(parseInt(dateInt))

This gives you a JavaScript date object that you can do pretty much a lot with, if you want simple check just execute:


Try using moment.js i.e.:

moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')

Then you can do:

moment(1317772800000).format("MMM Do YY");

Try this

unixtime = 1317772800000;
var newDate = new Date();
dateString = newDate.toUTCString();



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