I've got a button which looks like this:

<a class="buttonS bDefault tipN" id="customerBasket" original-title="<ul class='shoppingBasket'></ul>" href="#"><span class="icos-cart3"></span></a>

Its a tooltip and I want to append list-items to the class shoppingBasket.

I've tried by doing the following:

$('.shoppingBasket ul').append(<li><span class=\'basketPic\'>Test</span><span class=\'basketName\'>Test123</span></li>);

But I get the error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?



You forgot your quotes:

$('ul.shoppingBasket').append("<li><span class='basketPic'>Test</span><span class='basketName'>Test123</span></li>");

EDIT after getting more info:

You're wanting to update an attribute, which is more complicated than just appending something to a dom element. But, you should be able to do it. Try something like this:

$button_title = $('.buttonS').attr('original-title');
$('body').append('<div id="cart-holder" style="display:none;">' + $button_title + '</div>');
$('#cart-holder ul.shoppingBasket').append('<li><span class=\'basketPic\'>Test</span><span class=\'basketName\'>Test123</span></li>');
$('.buttonS').attr('original-title', $('#cart-holder').html());

This will add a div to the body with the HTML in original-title, append your HTML to it, set the original-title to it, then remove the element it just made. You'll likely have to tweak it to get the effect you want.



Please note that the append() method accepts a string. And you should always add a string to its parameter. Otherwise it won't work for you and you'll get this error.

append("<li><span class='basketPic'>Test</span><span class='basketName'>Test123</span></li>")

This would do it. Otherwise, it won't work.

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