Today my friends sent my some code that did something unexpected:

setTimeout(["console.log(1", "2)"], 1000)

I expected this to fail or do some magic, but it just prints 1 2 after 1 second. I can see it possibly evaluating the array to "console.log(1,2)" using a simple array.join(','), but why does that happen?

I've looked into the eval capabilities of setTimeout, but it should only do a function or a string. The use of an array here doesn't make any sense, and searching Google for why this does work turns up nothing, or even close use cases.



setTimeout can evaluate a string as javascript, if the value is not a function it will then convert the value to a string, probably by using toString()

You can see if you do this

"" + ["console.log(1", "2)"]


["console.log(1", "2)"].toString();

you get


Then it get's evaluated accordingly


If it is not a function then it uses .toString() to get a string value.

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