
  • 环发言喜欢,同时,做的话;
  • 有条件的运营者一样,如果和情况;和
  • 算术运营商喜欢+ , − , * , % , /, ++, --?






int factorial(int x)
  return precomputedArray[x];


这里是一个解决方案没有循环,算术或条件和不诉诸预计算. 它也不会使用的短路条件喜欢的 &&|| 这是在实践中相当于 if. 因此,这似乎是第一个适当的解决方案无需任何条件。现在在适当C不C++的特点:)

#include <stdio.h>
#define uint unsigned int

void A(uint *a, uint *b)
    uint tmp = *a & *b;
    *a = (*a | *b) & ~tmp;
    *b = tmp << 1;

#define REPEAT32(s) \
s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

uint add(uint a, uint b)
    REPEAT32(A(&a, &b);) return a;

uint bitexpand(uint b)
    b = (b << 1)  | b; b = (b << 2)  | b; b = (b << 4)  | b;
    b = (b << 8)  | b; b = (b << 16) | b;
    return b;

void M(uint *acc, uint *a, uint *b)
    *acc = add(*acc, *a & bitexpand(*b & 1));
    *a <<= 1;
    *b >>= 1;

uint mult(uint a, uint b)
    uint acc = 0;
    REPEAT32(M(&acc, &a, &b);) return acc;

uint factorial(int n)
    uint k = 1;
    uint result = 0;
    result |= (bitexpand(n == 1) & k);
    k = mult(k, 2); result |= (bitexpand(n == 2) & k);
    k = mult(k, 3); result |= (bitexpand(n == 3) & k);
    k = mult(k, 4); result |= (bitexpand(n == 4) & k);
    k = mult(k, 5); result |= (bitexpand(n == 5) & k);
    k = mult(k, 6); result |= (bitexpand(n == 6) & k);
    k = mult(k, 7); result |= (bitexpand(n == 7) & k);
    k = mult(k, 8); result |= (bitexpand(n == 8) & k);
    k = mult(k, 9); result |= (bitexpand(n == 9) & k);
    k = mult(k, 10); result |= (bitexpand(n == 10) & k);
    return result;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uint i;
    /* Demonstration loop, not part of solution */
    for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        printf("%d %d\n", i, factorial(i));


#define IF(i, t, e) \
(void)((i) && (goto then##__LINE__, 1)); goto else##__LINE__;
then##__LINE__: t; goto cont##__LINE__; \
else##__LINE__: e; cont##__LINE__: ((void)0);


#define WHILE(c, s) \
loop##__LINE__: IF(c, s; goto loop##__LINE__, ((void)0)))


#include <stdio.h>

static const int factorial[] = {

/* Test/demo program. */
int main(void)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
        printf("%d %d\n", i, factorial[i]);

    return 0;


(Bah,我是缓慢的。其他人给了这个答案了。随他们的投票 回答。)


编辑: 我已经改变程序,以使它支持相当长的时间阶乘(最多20个),并提出了代码一位整洁通过删除的查询表里 prev().

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define _if(CND, OP1, OP2) (((CND) && ((OP1) || 1)) || (OP2))

long long int add(long long int x, long long int y){
    long long int r = x ^ y;
    long long int c = x & y;
        c = c << 1;    
    _if(c != 0, r = add(r, c), 1);

    return r;

long long int prev(long long int x){
    return add(x, -1);

long long int mult(long long int x, long long int y){
    long long int r;

    _if(x == 0,
         r = 0,
       _if(x == 1, 
            r = y, 
            r = add(y, mult(prev(x), y))));

    return r;

long long int fac(long long int x){
    long long int r;

    _if(x < 2,
        r = 1,
        r = mult(x, fac(prev(x))));

    return r;

int main(int argc, char**argv){
    long long int i;

    for(i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
        printf("factorial(%lli) => %lli\n", i, fac(i));

    return 0;


[dsm@localhost:~/code/c]$ gcc -o proc proc.c
[dsm@localhost:~/code/c]$ ./proc #/
factorial(0) => 1
factorial(1) => 1
factorial(2) => 2
factorial(3) => 6
factorial(4) => 24
factorial(5) => 120
factorial(6) => 720
factorial(7) => 5040
factorial(8) => 40320
factorial(9) => 362880
factorial(10) => 3628800
factorial(11) => 39916800
factorial(12) => 479001600
factorial(13) => 6227020800
factorial(14) => 87178291200
factorial(15) => 1307674368000
factorial(16) => 20922789888000
factorial(17) => 355687428096000
factorial(18) => 6402373705728000
factorial(19) => 121645100408832000
factorial(20) => 2432902008176640000


int factorial( int arg )
    int argcopy = arg;
    argcopy -= 1;
    return arg == 1 ? arg : arg *= factorial( argcopy );

VC7拒绝为编写上述当在"编译为C源模式"的呻吟约const L-值为"*=",但这里是另一种变相同的:

int factorial( int arg )
    int argcopy1 = arg;
    int argcopy2 = arg;
    argcopy1 -= 1;
    argcopy2 *= arg == 1 ? 1 : fact( argcopy1 );
    return argcopy2;

这不是一个完整的答案,但是,仅仅不同的方法 add()mult() 职能:

#define add(a, b)  sizeof (struct { char x[a]; char y[b]; })
#define mult(a, b) sizeof (struct { char x[a][b]; })

(我认为,C,与C++,使定义的新的类型的内部 sizeof.)

这里是一个多(全非)执行情况 add() 基于指运算:

int add(int x, int y) {
    return (int) &((char*) x)[y];

这里是一个解决方案(该 一个迄今为止),实际上解决了这个问题在所需要的限制。

int fac( int n )
    /* The is the binary representation of the function: */
    /* 0000 => 0000000000000000001 */
    /* 0001 => 0000000000000000001 */
    /* 0010 => 0000000000000000010 */
    /* 0011 => 0000000000000000110 */
    /* 0100 => 0000000000000011000 */
    /* 0101 => 0000000000001111000 */
    /* 0110 => 0000000001011010000 */
    /* 0111 => 0000001001110110000 */
    /* 1000 => 0001001110110000000 */
    /* 1001 => 1011000100110000000 */
    int bit0 = n & 1;
    int bit1 = (n & 2) >> 1;
    int bit2 = (n & 4) >> 2;
    int bit3 = (n & 8) >> 3;
    int notbit0 = bit0 ^ 1;
    int notbit1 = bit1 ^ 1;
    int notbit2 = bit2 ^ 1;
    int notbit3 = bit3 ^ 1;
    (bit0 & notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 18 |
    (bit0 & notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 16 |
    (notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 15 |
    (notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 11 |
    (notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 8 |
    (notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 7 |
    (notbit0 & notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 12 |
    (notbit0 & notbit1 & notbit2 & bit3) << 10 |
    (bit0 & bit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 12 |
    (bit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 9 |
    (bit0 & bit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 8 |
    (bit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 7 |
    (bit0 & bit2 & notbit3) << 5 |
    (bit2 & notbit3) << 4 |
    (notbit0 & bit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 6 |
    (bit0 & notbit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 6 |
    (notbit1 & bit2 & notbit3) << 3 |    
    (bit0 & bit1 & notbit2 & notbit3) << 2 |    
    (bit1 & notbit2 & notbit3) << 1 |    
    (notbit1 & notbit2 & notbit3);


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int i, expected, j;
    for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
        expected = 1;
        for( j = 2; j <= i; ++j )
            expected *= j;
        if( expected != fac( i ) )
            printf( "FAILED: fac(%d) = %d, expected %d\n", i, fac( i ), expected );

使用 asm 写大会的代码。




#include <stdio.h>

int fact(int n);

int mul(int a, int b)
        struct s {
                char _v[b];
        struct s *p = (struct s*)0;
        return (int) &p[a];

int add(int a, int b)
        return (int) (&((char *)a)[b]);

int is_0(int n)
        return (n == 0);

int fact_0(int n)
        return 1;

int fact_n(int n)
        return mul(n, fact(add(n,-1)));

int (*facts[2])(int) = {fact_n, fact_0};

int fact(int n)
        return facts[is_0(n)](n);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i<=10; i++) {
                printf("fact %d = %d\n", i, fact(i));


 ~ > gcc -std=c99 fact.c 
 ~ > ./a.out 
fact 0 = 1
fact 1 = 1
fact 2 = 2
fact 3 = 6
fact 4 = 24
fact 5 = 120
fact 6 = 720
fact 7 = 5040
fact 8 = 40320
fact 9 = 362880
fact 10 = 3628800



long fact(int x)
   if (x < 2)
     return 1L;
     return fact(x - 1) * x;




int[] factorials = {1,1,2,6,24, 120,720, ..etc };
return factorials[i];


#include <stdio.h>

int add(int a, int b)
int t1, t2, ab, bb, cb=0, orb=1, ans=0;

do {
    t1 = a >> 1; 
    t2 = t1 << 1;

    if (a==t2) ab=0; else ab=1;

    t1 = b >> 1;
    t2 = t1 << 1; 

    if (b==t2) bb=0; else bb=1;

    if (ab==1 && bb==1) { 
        if (cb==1) ans=ans | orb; 
        cb = 1; 

    if ( ab!=bb ) { 
        if (cb==0) ans = ans | orb; 

    if (ab==0 && bb==0) {
        if (cb==1) { 
        ans = ans | orb;

    orb = orb << 1; 
    a = a >> 1;
    b = b >> 1;

    } while (a!=0 || b!=0);

if (cb==1) ans = ans | orb;

return ans;

int multiply(int x,int y)
    int result = 0, i = 0 , j=0;

    while((i=add(i,1)) <= y)
        result = add(result,x);

    return result;


int factorial(int x)
        return 1;
        return multiply(x,factorial(x-1));


int main()
    int x;
    printf("Enter a number between 0 and 10: ");
    scanf("%d" , &x);
    printf("\nFactorial: %d\n" , factorial(x));
    return 0;

让我们看看如果我们可以做一些事情的一半-优雅,而不取决于 1 <=n <=10.

  • 而不是循环,我们当然使用递归。
  • 而如果终止的递归,我们将使用一个 列功能的指针!
    (我们仍然需要比较经营者,例如 <==.)

编辑: damaru用的功能,指的伎俩第一次。


typedef int (*unary_fptr)(int);

int ret_1(int n) {
    return 1;

int fact(int n) {
    unary_fptr ret_1_or_fact[] = {ret_1, fact};
    return multiply(ret_1_or_fact[n > 1](sub_1(n)), n);

我们仍然需要实现 sub_1multiply.让我们开始 sub_1, ,这是一个简单的递归的位,直到该进停止(如果你不明白这一点,类似的 add_1 在结束简单,想想):

int identity(int n) {
    return n;

int sub_1(int n) {
    unary_fptr sub_1_or_identity[] = {sub_1, identity};
    int lsb = n & 1;
    int rest = sub_1_or_identity[lsb](n >> 1);
    return (rest << 1) | (lsb ^ 1);

multiply:最简单我可以想到的是 俄罗斯农民的乘法, ,其减少为二进制转变和加。与条件,递归的制定看起来是这样的:

 /* If we could use conditionals */
int multiply(int a, int b) {
    int subproduct;
    if(a <= 1) {
       subproduct = 0;
    } else {
       subproduct = multiply(a >> 1, b << 1);

    if(a & 1) {
       return add(b, subproduct);
    } else {
       return subproduct;


typedef int (*binary_fptr)(int, int);

int ret_0(int a, int b) {
    return 0;

int multiply(int a, int b) {
    binary_fptr ret_0_or_multiply = {ret_0, multiply};
    int subproduct = ret_0_or_multiply[a >= 2](a >> 1, b << 1);

    binary_fptr ret_0_or_add = {ret_0, add};
    return ret_0_or_add[a & 1](subproduct, b);

现在所有我们错过的是 add.你应该现在猜测它将如何去,同时超过递归位的两个数字,这降低了本问题为转移, add_1:

int add(int a, int b) {
    int lsb = (a & 1) ^ (b & 1);
    int carry = (a & 1) & (b & 1);

    binary_fptr ret_0_or_add = {ret_0, add};
    int subsum = ret_0_or_add[(a >= 2) & (b >= 2)](a >> 1, b>> 1);

    unary_fptr identity_or_add_1 = {identity, add_1};
    return identity_or_add_1[carry](subsum << 1);

add_1 是一个简单的过递归位,直到该进停止:

int add_1(int n) {
    unary_fptr identity_or_add_1[] = {identity, add_1};
    int lsb = n & 1;
    int rest = identity_or_add_1[lsb](n >> 1);
    return (rest << 1) | (lsb ^ 1);




return factorials[x];

在那里你已经预先充满了 factorials 与相关的价值观


void main()
    unsigned long int num,fact,counter;
        printf("Enter the number");
        printf("The factorial of number entered is %lu",fact);
    printf("press any key to exit...");


#include    <stdlib.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <math.h>

int main( int argc, char** argv)
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(2))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(3))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(4))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(5))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(6))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(7))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(8))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(9))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(10))));
    printf( "%d\n", (int)round( exp( lgamma(11))));

    return 0;
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