I'm working on a plugin for showing users via shortcode by their role (in this site's case - authors). I'm getting a list of user objects using a WP_User_Query statement, then creating the output for each user like this:

foreach ( $users as $user ) { ?>

            <div class="sap_author_box">

                <div class="sap_author_pic"><?php get_avatar( $user->user_email, 150 ); ?></div>
                <div class="sap_author_name"><?php
                    echo '<a href="http://curbcollege.org/happytogethertour/author/' . $user->user_login . '">' . $user->display_name . '</a> <span class="smallertext">( ' . $user->age . ' ) - ' . $user->classification . ' from ' . $user->hometown . '</span><br />';
                    echo '<span class="smallertext">Major: ' . $user->major;
                    echo ( empty( $user->minor ) ? '</span>' :  ', Minor: ' . $user->minor . '</span>' ); ?>
                <div class="sap_author_bio"><?php echo $user->user_description; ?></div>


        <?php } // End of $users foreach

All the data from the user's profile comes out just fine, except the avatar. I've tried using $user->ID instead of email, but that doesn't work either. I know both the email and ID are called correctly because I can echo them onto the page and see them, so it's not that the data isn't getting to the get_avatar function. What am I doing wrong with get_avatar? I know some of the authors have avatars because I can see them on the Users list, but not on the output page. Ideas?


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