I'm relatively new to the MySQL++ connector in C++, and have an really annoying issue with it already!

I've managed to get stored procedures working, however i'm having issues with the delete statements. I've looked high and low and have found no documentation with examples.

First I thought maybe the code needs to free the query/connection results after calling the stored procedure, but of course MySQL++ doesn't have a free_result method... or does it?

Anyways, here's what I've got:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <mysql++/mysql++.h>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include "RepositoryQueue.h"

using namespace boost;
using namespace mysqlpp;

class RepositoryChecker
    bool _isRunning;
Connection _con;
        this->_con = Connection(false);
        this->_con.set_option(new MultiStatementsOption(true));
        this->_con.set_option(new ReconnectOption(true));
        this->_con.connect("**", "***", "***", "***");

    catch(const Exception& e)
* Thread method which runs and creates the repositories
void CheckRepositoryQueues()
        std::queue<RepositoryQueue> queues = this->GetQueue();

        if(queues.size() > 0)
                RepositoryQueue &q = queues.front();
                char cmd[256];
                sprintf(cmd, "svnadmin create /home/svn/%s/%s/%s", q.GetPublicStatus().c_str(),
                    q.GetUsername().c_str(), q.GetRepositoryName().c_str());
                        printf("query deleted?\n");
                    printf("Repository created!\n");
* Gets the latest queue of repositories from the database
* and returns them inside a cool queue defined with the 
* RepositoryQueue class.
std::queue<RepositoryQueue> GetQueue()
    std::queue<RepositoryQueue> queues;

    Query query = this->_con.query("CALL sp_GetRepositoryQueue();");
    StoreQueryResult result = query.store();
    RepositoryQueue rQ;

    if(result.num_rows() > 0)
        for(unsigned int i = 0;i < result.num_rows(); ++i)
            rQ = RepositoryQueue((unsigned int)result[i][0],
                                (unsigned int)result[i][1],

    return queues;
* Allows the thread to be shut off.
void ChangeRunningState(bool isRunning)
    this->_isRunning = isRunning;
* Returns the running value of the active thread.
bool IsRunning()
    return this->_isRunning;
* Deletes the repository from the mysql queue table. This is
* only called once it has been created.
bool DeleteQueuedRepository(unsigned int id)
    char cmd[256];
    sprintf(cmd, "DELETE FROM RepositoryQueue WHERE Id = %d LIMIT 1;", id);
    Query query = this->_con.query(cmd);
    return (query.exec());

I've removed all the other methods as they're not needed...

Basically it's the DeleteQueuedRepository method which isn't working, the GetQueue works fine.

PS: This is on a Linux OS (Ubuntu server)

Many thanks, Shaun


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