

if ( WORD[ INDEX ] == 'A' ) branch = BRANCH.A;
/* B through to Y */
if ( WORD[ INDEX ] == 'Z' ) branch = BRANCH.Z;


switch ( WORD[ INDEX ] ) {
    case 'A' : branch = BRANCH.A; break;
    /* B through to Y */
    case 'Z' : branch = BRANCH.Z; break;

... Switch版本会通过所有排列或跳到案例的级联吗?





失败是由于我没有考虑到仍需要内存的零引用的事实引起的。 (doh!)

public class Dictionary {
    private static Dictionary ROOT;
    private boolean terminus;
    private Dictionary A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z;
    private static Dictionary instantiate( final Dictionary DICTIONARY ) {
        return ( DICTIONARY == null ) ? new Dictionary() : DICTIONARY;
    private Dictionary() {
        this.terminus = false;
        this.A = this.B = this.C = this.D = this.E = this.F = this.G = this.H = this.I = this.J = this.K = this.L = this.M = this.N = this.O = this.P = this.Q = this.R = this.S = this.T = this.U = this.V = this.W = this.X = this.Y = this.Z = null;
    public static void add( final String...STRINGS ) {
        Dictionary.ROOT = Dictionary.instantiate( Dictionary.ROOT );
        for ( final String STRING : STRINGS ) Dictionary.add( STRING.toUpperCase().toCharArray(), Dictionary.ROOT , 0, STRING.length() - 1 );
    private static void add( final char[] WORD, final Dictionary BRANCH, final int INDEX, final int INDEX_LIMIT ) {
        Dictionary branch = null;
        switch ( WORD[ INDEX ] ) {
        case 'A' : branch = BRANCH.A = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.A ); break;
        case 'B' : branch = BRANCH.B = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.B ); break;
        case 'C' : branch = BRANCH.C = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.C ); break;
        case 'D' : branch = BRANCH.D = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.D ); break;
        case 'E' : branch = BRANCH.E = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.E ); break;
        case 'F' : branch = BRANCH.F = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.F ); break;
        case 'G' : branch = BRANCH.G = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.G ); break;
        case 'H' : branch = BRANCH.H = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.H ); break;
        case 'I' : branch = BRANCH.I = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.I ); break;
        case 'J' : branch = BRANCH.J = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.J ); break;
        case 'K' : branch = BRANCH.K = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.K ); break;
        case 'L' : branch = BRANCH.L = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.L ); break;
        case 'M' : branch = BRANCH.M = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.M ); break;
        case 'N' : branch = BRANCH.N = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.N ); break;
        case 'O' : branch = BRANCH.O = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.O ); break;
        case 'P' : branch = BRANCH.P = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.P ); break;
        case 'Q' : branch = BRANCH.Q = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.Q ); break;
        case 'R' : branch = BRANCH.R = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.R ); break;
        case 'S' : branch = BRANCH.S = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.S ); break;
        case 'T' : branch = BRANCH.T = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.T ); break;
        case 'U' : branch = BRANCH.U = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.U ); break;
        case 'V' : branch = BRANCH.V = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.V ); break;
        case 'W' : branch = BRANCH.W = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.W ); break;
        case 'X' : branch = BRANCH.X = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.X ); break;
        case 'Y' : branch = BRANCH.Y = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.Y ); break;
        case 'Z' : branch = BRANCH.Z = Dictionary.instantiate( BRANCH.Z ); break;
        if ( INDEX == INDEX_LIMIT ) branch.terminus = true;
        else Dictionary.add( WORD, branch, INDEX + 1, INDEX_LIMIT );
    public static boolean is( final String STRING ) {
        Dictionary.ROOT = Dictionary.instantiate( Dictionary.ROOT );
        return Dictionary.is( STRING.toUpperCase().toCharArray(), Dictionary.ROOT, 0, STRING.length() - 1 );
    private static boolean is( final char[] WORD, final Dictionary BRANCH, final int INDEX, final int INDEX_LIMIT ) {
        Dictionary branch = null;
        switch ( WORD[ INDEX ] ) {
        case 'A' : branch = BRANCH.A; break;
        case 'B' : branch = BRANCH.B; break;
        case 'C' : branch = BRANCH.C; break;
        case 'D' : branch = BRANCH.D; break;
        case 'E' : branch = BRANCH.E; break;
        case 'F' : branch = BRANCH.F; break;
        case 'G' : branch = BRANCH.G; break;
        case 'H' : branch = BRANCH.H; break;
        case 'I' : branch = BRANCH.I; break;
        case 'J' : branch = BRANCH.J; break;
        case 'K' : branch = BRANCH.K; break;
        case 'L' : branch = BRANCH.L; break;
        case 'M' : branch = BRANCH.M; break;
        case 'N' : branch = BRANCH.N; break;
        case 'O' : branch = BRANCH.O; break;
        case 'P' : branch = BRANCH.P; break;
        case 'Q' : branch = BRANCH.Q; break;
        case 'R' : branch = BRANCH.R; break;
        case 'S' : branch = BRANCH.S; break;
        case 'T' : branch = BRANCH.T; break;
        case 'U' : branch = BRANCH.U; break;
        case 'V' : branch = BRANCH.V; break;
        case 'W' : branch = BRANCH.W; break;
        case 'X' : branch = BRANCH.X; break;
        case 'Y' : branch = BRANCH.Y; break;
        case 'Z' : branch = BRANCH.Z; break;
        if ( branch == null ) return false;
        if ( INDEX == INDEX_LIMIT ) return branch.terminus;
        else return Dictionary.is( WORD, branch, INDEX + 1, INDEX_LIMIT );


在字节码中,有两种形式的开关: tableswitchlookupswitch. 。一个假设一组密集的钥匙,另一个稀疏。看到描述 在JVM规格中编译开关. 。对于枚举,找到了序数,然后代码继续 int 案子。我不完全确定这些建议是如何提出的 switchString JDK7中的几乎没有功能将实现。



不必担心表现;使用最能表达您在做什么的语法。只有在您(a)表现出表现不足之后; (b)将其本地定位到有关例程中,然后您才能担心性能。为了我的钱,案例语法在这里更合适。


enum BRANCH {
  A,B, ... Y,Z;


BRANCH branch = BRANCH.valueOf( WORD[ INDEX ] );

另外,您的代码中可能还有一个错误 "A" == "A" 根据“ A”的对象身份,可能是错误的。

Not quite an answer to your question, but there's actually a bug in your code, you should have a break after each case:

switch ( WORD[ INDEX ] ) {
    case 'A' : branch = BRANCH.A; break;
    /* B through to Y */
    case 'Z' : branch = BRANCH.Z; break;

I don't think performance differences are going to be too significant here, but if you really care about performance, and if this code is executed very frequently, here's another option:

// Warning, untested code.
BRANCH[] branchLookUp = {BRANCH.A, BRANCH.B, ..., BRANCH.Z};

branch = branchLookUp[WORD[INDEX] - 'A'];

Be sure to encapsulate this and document it well though.

Honestly, I don't think the performance matters in this case. It's really up to the compiler and its optimization.

If you have a switch statement with consecutive, integral values, depending on the language, it may be optimized to a branch table, which is very quick. It's not slower, anyway!

Additionally, using if/else if would be an improvement over if, for cases such as this one in which your cases are mutually exclusive. No sense making 25 more checks after matching A.

But basically, any performance difference is negligible, and you ought to use the most correct syntax, which in this case is the switch statement. Make sure to separate your cases with breaks though.

Here's a way to avoid all of the case statements.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Dictionary {
    private static Dictionary                       ROOT;
    private boolean                                 terminus;
    private final HashMap<Character, Dictionary>    dictionaries    = new HashMap<Character, Dictionary>();

    private void ensureBranch(char c) {
        if (getBranch(c) != null)
        dictionaries.put(c, new Dictionary());

    private Dictionary getBranch(char c) {
        return dictionaries.get(c);

    public static boolean is(final String string) {
        return is(chars(string), ROOT, 0, string.length() - 1);

    public static void add(final String... strings) {
        for (final String string : strings)
            add(chars(string), ROOT, 0, string.length() - 1);

    private static void ensureRoot() {
        if (ROOT == null)
            ROOT = new Dictionary();

    private static char[] chars(final String string) {
        return string.toUpperCase().toCharArray();

    private Dictionary() {
        this.terminus = false;

    private static void add(final char[] word, final Dictionary dictionary, final int index, final int limit) {
        Dictionary branch = getBranch(word, dictionary, index);
        if (index == limit)
            branch.terminus = true;
            add(word, branch, index + 1, limit);

    private static Dictionary getBranch(final char[] word, final Dictionary dictionary, final int index) {
        final char c = word[index];
        return dictionary.getBranch(c);

    private static boolean is(final char[] word, final Dictionary dictionary, final int index, final int limit) {
        Dictionary branch = dictionary.getBranch(word[index]);
        if (branch == null)
            return false;
        if (index == limit)
            return branch.terminus;
        return is(word, branch, index + 1, limit);

I know this is not what you are asking at all, but aren't you just doing this?

public class Dictionary {
    private static final Set<String> WORDS = new HashSet<String>();

    public static void add(final String... STRINGS) {
        for (String str : STRINGS) {

    public static boolean is(final String STRING) {
        return WORDS.contains(STRING.toUpperCase());

Are you simply looking for something a little more memory efficient?

The switch statement should use a hash to select which case to go to. From there, every subsequent case will also be run if there are no break statements. For example, with your code, if you switch on X, it will immediately go to X, then Y, then Z. See the Java Tutorial.

The switch should be logarithmic and the if linear, assuming the compiler can't find anything clever. But long switches are tricky to read and also bug-prone -- as noted, the switch you've got above doesn't have any breaks, and it's going to fall through all the cases.

Why not prepopulate a Map instead, and just use Map.get()?

private static final Map<Char, Whatever> BRANCHES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<Char, Whatever>() {{
    put('A', BRANCH.A);
    put('Z', BRANCH.Z);

public void getBranch(char[] WORD, int INDEX) {
    return BRANCHES.get(WORD[INDEX]);

As noted above, if BRANCH is an Enum, this behavior should properly be in the Enum.

(What are WORD, INDEX and BRANCH here, anyway? From the names, they should be constants, but you can't really have constant arrays -- the contents are alwyas modifiable; there wouldn't be much point in creating a constant "struct"; and there certainly wouldn't be much point in iffing or switching based on constants....)

I think this is more of a question about style rather than performance. I think in this case switch statement is more appropriate than if. I'm not sure there is much difference in performance.

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