This is what I want I am trying to parse

type Number(); // define a type called "Number" with no member variables
type Point(Number x, Number y); // define a type called Point with member variables

// and something with generic types
type Pair[T, V](T first, V second);

// and even something cyclic:
type LinkedList[T](T payload, LinkedList[T] rest);

And here's my xtext grammar that allows it:

TypeDecl returns SSType:
  'type' name=TypeName
  ('[' typeParams += TypeName (',' typeParams += TypeName)*  ']')?
  '(' (args += Arg (',' args += Arg)*)? ')' ';'

TypeName returns SSTypeName:

  tn = [SSTypeName] ('[' typeParams += Type (',' typeParams += Type)*  ']')?

  type = Type argName = ID

Which works, but is way too liberal in what it accepts. If something is declared as a generic (e.g. the LinkedList in the above example) it should only be valid to use it as a generic (e.g. LinkedList[Number] and not LinkedList) and ideally the arity of the type arguments would be enforced.

And of course, if something is declared to not be a generic type (e.g. Number), it shouldn't be valid to give it type arguments.

Example of stuff it will wrongly accept:

type Wrong1(Number[Blah] a); // number doesn't have type arguments
type Wrong2(Pair a); // Pair has type arguments
type Wrong3(Pair[Number, Number, Number] a); // wrong arity 

Any suggestions, comments, code or tips on how to do this properly would be much appreciated.


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