I have just begun with testing Devise. I am unable to understand of why i am getting this error ::

Failure/Error: subject.current_user.should_not be_nil
   uncaught throw :warden

This is the code in my spec ::

    require "spec_helper"

    describe Devise::PasswordsController do
      include Devise::TestHelpers
        before(:each) do
            user = Factory(:user)
            @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
            sign_in user
        it "should have a current user" do
                subject.current_user.should_not be_nil

Has anyone gotten a fix around this issue ? I know there are issues on github but in their case include Devise::TestHelpers was not present unlike in my case.

I am getting an error on this line :: subject.current_user.should_not be_nil



I see this is a very old question, but I came across similar issue. This is what helped me.

If you're using confirmable module, don't forget to confirm user, otherwise the Warden exception is thrown. Appropriate change to your code would be:

before(:each) do
    user = Factory(:user)
    user.confirmed_at = Time.zone.now
    @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
    sign_in user

More info could be found in Devise Wiki


uncaught throw :warden happens when authenticate_user! fails.

Figure out why your the user's authentication is a failing, and you'll have solved your problem.

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