这个问题与我一直在努力的另一个问题有关: 如何访问corba界面没有IDL或延迟调用remoting方法





This was a real pain to work out, but I got it:

class MyOrbInitializer : omg.org.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer
    public void post_init(omg.org.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo info)
        // Nothing to do

    public void pre_init(omg.org.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfo info)
        omg.org.IOP.Codec codec = info.codec_factory.create_codec(
            new omg.org.IOP.Encoding(omg.org.IOP.ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS.ConstVal, 1, 2));
        Program.m_codec = codec;

class Program
    public static omg.org.IOP.Codec m_codec;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        IOrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
        orb.OverrideDefaultCharSets(CharSet.UTF8, WCharSet.UTF16);
        orb.RegisterPortableInterceptorInitalizer(new MyOrbInitializer());
        MarshalByRefObject objRef = context.resolve(names);
        string origObjData = orb.object_to_string(objRef);
        Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior iorObj = new Ch.Elca.Iiop.CorbaObjRef.Ior(origObjData);
        CodeSetComponentData cscd = new CodeSetComponentData(
            new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.CharSet.UTF8 },
            new int[] { (int)Ch.Elca.Iiop.Services.WCharSet.UTF16 });
        omg.org.IOP.TaggedComponent codesetcomp = new omg.org.IOP.TaggedComponent(
            omg.org.IOP.TAG_CODE_SETS.ConstVal, m_codec.encode_value(cscd));
        string newObjData = iorObj.ToString();
        MarshalByRefObject newObj = (MarshalByRefObject)orb.string_to_object(newObjData);
        ILicenseInfo li = (ILicenseInfo)newObj;

Unfortunately in my case the problem remained that the byte ordering was backwards too, so I had to go with an entirely different solution based on just getting bytes back and manually converting them to a string instead of getting string directly.

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