我目前陷入赛格(有时由于糟糕的mallocs ageabrts),每当我尝试将qtring添加到qmap作为qmap中的qmap,我认为qwidget类的析构函数 - 我认为它与qstring的隐式有关共享模型和范围。

我有一个quidget作为mdi中的子窗口,这个qwidget有一些qglwidget派生视口实例作为孩子。在子窗口中有一个qmap 包装类包含项目文件设置的类,当子窗口关闭时,它的析构函数调用qwidget :: deletechildren()删除每个视口的删除。在视口析构函数中,当前设置将保存到子窗口的设置中,例如:

QString dir = QString( "camera/" ) + name;
sWin.setSetting( dir + "/Projection",
                 static_cast< int >( camera_->getProjectionType() ) );


inline void setSetting( const QString& key, QVariant value )
    //  projectSettings_ is a standard QMap< QString, QVariant >.
    projectSettings_.insert( key, value );


inline QString::QString(const QString &other) : d(other.d)
{ Q_ASSERT(&other != this); d->ref.ref(); }


偶尔,我将获得一个sigabrt malloc():内存损坏在第一个代码示例的setsetting()行中的运算符+中。但再次,在第二个视口的销毁开始时,不是第一个。


提前感谢。 凸轮



QString* dir = new QString( "camera/" );
*dir += name;
sWin.setSetting( *dir + "/Projection",
                 static_cast< int >( camera_->getProjectionType() ) );




inline Sy_project& getProject() { return *project_; }


    //  Write last viewport settings.
    QString name = objectName();
    Sy_project& sWin = projWindow_->getProject();
    QString dir = QString( "camera/" ) + name;

    //  Avoid "taking address of temporary" warning.
    QVector3D pos = camera_->getPosition();
    QVector3D foc = camera_->getFocalPoint();

    //  Save camera settings.  Dies on first setSetting() call.
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/Projection",
                     static_cast< int >( camera_->getProjectionType() ) );
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/position",
                     QVariant( 84, static_cast< void* >( &pos ) ) );
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/focalPoint",
                     QVariant( 84, static_cast< void* >( &foc ) ) );
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/FOV", camera_->getFOV() );
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/nearClip", camera_->getPerspectiveClipRange()[0] );
    sWin.setSetting( dir + "/farClip", camera_->getPerspectiveClipRange()[1] );

    delete camera_;


使用Valgrind的Memcheck后,我发现了许多看起来与我的堆栈特有的条目。在之前从未使用过,我还在解密,但这就是说我的sy_project类(qmap的包装包装)已被删除 setsetting()呼叫离开qmap与无效的引用?

==12418== Invalid read of size 4
==12418==    at 0x805D872: QMap<QString, QVariant>::detach_helper() (qmap.h:730)
==12418==    by 0x805D380: QMap<QString, QVariant>::detach() (in /home/cbamber85/workspace/Syren GUI/Syren)
==12418==    by 0x805CDEE: QMap<QString, QVariant>::insert(QString const&, QVariant const&) (qmap.h:537)
==12418==    by 0x805CA33: Sy_project::setSetting(QString const&, QVariant) (Sy_project.h:50)
==12418==    by 0x805A78C: Sy_abstractGLViewport::~Sy_abstractGLViewport() (Sy_abstractGLViewport.cpp:67)
==12418==    by 0x808EDBC: Sy_QtGLViewport::~Sy_QtGLViewport() (Sy_QtGLViewport.cpp:91)
==12418==    by 0x808EE0E: Sy_QtGLViewport::~Sy_QtGLViewport() (Sy_QtGLViewport.cpp:100)
==12418==    by 0x4D66D63: QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren() (in /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x4306DDF: QWidget::~QWidget() (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x46FBE0E: QFrame::~QFrame() (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x475F173: QSplitter::~QSplitter() (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x475F1D1: QSplitter::~QSplitter() (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==  Address 0xacf5b9c is 4 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
==12418==    at 0x40266AD: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)
==12418==    by 0x808D60F: Sy_project::~Sy_project() (Sy_project.h:30)
==12418==    by 0x808C9C6: Sy_subWindow::~Sy_subWindow() (Sy_subWindow.cpp:55)
==12418==    by 0x808CA84: Sy_subWindow::~Sy_subWindow() (Sy_subWindow.cpp:57)
==12418==    by 0x4D66482: qDeleteInEventHandler(QObject*) (in /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x4D67967: QObject::event(QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x4302ACB: QWidget::event(QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x42A9C63: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x42B1CA3: QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x806010F: Sy_application::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) (Sy_application.cpp:14)
==12418==    by 0x4D54E0D: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) (in /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3)
==12418==    by 0x4D589B3: QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) (in /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4.6.3)



I think the Sy_project object your pointer and therefore references are pointing to is already destroyed by the time the destructor of Sy_abstractGLViewport is called. If you look into the valgrind listing, the destructor of Sy_project is called before the destructor of Sy_abstractGLViewport.

So when you call inline Sy_project& getProject() { return *project_; } within the Sy_abstractGLViewport destructor, you're dereferencing a dangling pointer.


Hum... What happens if you change your code for something like this:

sWin.setSetting(dir, static_cast<int>(camera_->getProjectionType()));

In the way you are doing a temporary copy is create and then bound to a reference-to-const, which should be ok. Afterwards, from this reference QMap will attempt to copy the argument, in this case, going through the implicit sharing mechanism of QString. I'm just wondering what could go wrong in there...

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