In the next version of my iOS application, I modified the Default.png image. The new image (now localized) is featured prominently throughout the application.

To test the upgrade process on my device, initiate the installation from Xcode on a device that has previous version of the application. My problem is that during this mock upgrade, the splash image appears as the old Default.png. Additionally, when displaying Default.png elsewhere in the application, it also continues to be the old one.

However, if I first remove the application from the device, and afterwards install (rather than upgrade), the new splash image does appear properly.

How do I fix this, or is this to be expected when mock upgrading via Xcode? Can/Should I rely on the upgrade process executing properly when it happens through the app store?

The closest question seems to be this: Updated splash / launch not working
The answer, though sounding great, seems speculative.

Thanks in advance.



I contacted Apple and they sent me the following:

It explains:

  1. How to properly test for updates
  2. That during an 'Xcode update' not all assets get refreshed
  3. When properly testing the upgrade, assets do get replaced as they should

Long story short, test upgrades properly and things will appear as they should.


Here are a few things to try (not guarantees but worth a shot):

Delete the Derived Data for your project. Go to the Window menu at the top, click organizer, click the projects tab at the top, select your project and click the "Delete" button next to "Derived Data".

Clean your project. Product menu then "Clean" option.

Make sure that the old default image has been deleted from it's location in the file system (sometimes Xcode says it deleted something, but in actuality the file is still there on the file system).

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