we uploaded some 1000 products to our site.

we uploaded 500 products in 1st month and next 500 products in 2nd month

now we want to give special prices for products that we uploaded in 1st month.

so we want to use promotions > catalog price rules to give special prices for products uploaded only in first month.

is there any way that we can give special prices for products uploaded in 1st month.



As per as your question, you want to apply the catalog rules for those products which has created in first month.

That means in this case you need to use product attribute created_at and using this attribute,you need to apply the catalog rules.


Step1: create a new product attribute my_attribute and make sure that Use for Promo Rule Conditions field should beYes.

Step2: Export list of product skus which has been created at the time of 1st using Magento default export system (admin>system>Export/Import>Export)

Step3: Then basic step2,create a csv with sku,my_attribute. put my_attribute value 1. Then import this csv using magento default import system .

Step4: As my_attribute has been enable at promo, Now you can easy see the attribute to Catalog price rules condition attribute list and just put it value 1.

Now it will works

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