I'm sure this is a simple one, but I just can't get chained functions to work in Parse.com's Cloud Code. I know it's possible - so this may be an indictment of my javascript n00bness. ;>

Below is a simple test function-chain that shows how I think it should work - but it doesn't. On response.error events, I seem to get errors, but on success I get:

{"code":141,"error":"success/error was not called"}

Here are the test functions:

Parse.Cloud.define("initialFunction", function(request, response) {

  var player = request.params.player;

  Parse.Cloud.run("chainedFunction",{ player: player.id },{
    sucess: function(results) {


    error: function(results, error) {
      response.error(errorMessageMaker("running chained function",error));


Parse.Cloud.define("chainedFunction", function(request, response) {

  var player = Parse.Object.extend("User");
  var findPlayer = new Parse.Query(player);
  findPlayer.get(request.params.player, {

    success: function(player) {
      var games = player.relation("games");

        success: function(games) {


        error: function(players, error) {
          response.error(errorMessageMaker("finding games",error));

    error: function(player,error) {
      response.error(errorMessageMaker("finding player",error));


.. and here is my initial call to the function, for reference (though I'm sure this is not the problem):

curl -X POST \
   -H "X-Parse-Application-Id: <id>" \
   -H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: <id>" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d '{"player":"<id>"}' \


You misspelled "success" in your first options object.

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